Funded by National / International Programs

Title: Project associated with the core funding and with the support fund for the strategic restructuring of R&D units 2015-2017

Coordinators at INESCC: Board of directors

Dates start/end: 01-2015 / 12-2017

Entity: FCT

Title: SABIOS – Sustainability assessment of bioenergy systems: A life cycle multi-criteria decision-support approach, including land use change

Coordinators at INESCC: Luís Dias


Project Team:

Date of approval:

Dates start/end: 06-2016 / 05-2019

Total Eligible Cost: 28 584.00€

EU Financial Support: 24 296.40€

National Financial Support: 4 287.60€

Project Code: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016765

Region of intervention:

Beneficiaries:Universidade de Aveiro, INESC Coimbra – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra, Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinamica Industrial




Bioenergy has been proposed as a solution to several pressing concerns such as energy security, climate change and rural development. However, accelerating growth in bioenergy demand has been accompanied by a growing concern about the environmental, economic and social impacts, such as deforestation, related food competition, and land conflicts.

The methodology aims to innovate and advance the state of the art along three interrelated lines:

  1. The LCA will account for the indirect Land Use Changes (LUC) effects, occurring when pressure on agriculture due to the displacement of previous activity or by use of the biomass induces LUC on other lands. Such indirect effects have been neglected to a great extent in past studies, which focus on direct effects. This calls for a consequential modelling of the selected bioenergy systems, which will be also compared with the type of attributional models prevailing among existing bioenergy life cycle modelling assessments.
  2. The assessment of bioenergy alternatives will be based on the complementary use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and LCA, following the recent trends of using LCA as a means to obtain a subset of the criteria to be considered in MCDA. This allows integrating criteria such as local environmental impacts, besides economic or social ones. MCDA structuring tools will be used to define a coherent family of criteria representing the interests of stakeholders and the informed public.
  3. Uncertainty analysis will be embedded throughout all models to be developed, an important aspect since there is considerable uncertainty regarding the type, scale and timing of indirect LUC. Furthermore, uncertainty about MCDA preference-related parameters will also be addressed.

Title: Ren4EEnIEQ – Comprehensive BIM add-on tool for the improvement of energy efficiency and indoor environment quality in renovation of buildings

Coordinators at INESCC: Álvaro Gomes


Project Team:

Date of approval: 08-04-2016

Dates start/end: 01-07-2016 / 30-06-2019

Total Eligible Cost: 71 456.00€

EU Financial Support: 60 737.60€

National Financial Support: 10 718.40€

Project Code: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016760

Region of intervention:

Beneficiaries: Universidade de Aveiro, INESC Coimbra – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra, Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinamica Industrial




The efficient use of energy in the built environment is a very important issue for a more sustainable future. The building stock accounts for 31% of the global energy consumption, with space heating and cooling representing one-third (up to 60% in cold climates). Building renovations can play an important role in the reduction of the end-user energy consumption. For this reason, a great interest has been put in adequate building analysis and in the development of building retrofit tools.

There are several computer-based optimization tools for building renovation/retrofit. However, these tools aim to determine the best combination of a few Constructive System (CS) and Energy System (ES – lighting, hot water, renewable energy, and HVAC) decision variables, but omit the actual architectural draft in the decision-making process. Therefore, such tools have limited impact in real case scenarios, when deep building renovation may result in profound adaptations to accommodate new occupational functions, and limited impact since only a partial optimization is carried out.

This research aims to develop a comprehensive tool for deep building renovation, which comprises the building survey, design generation, building geometry optimization, and ES and CS optimization in single BIM add-on tool. A user interactive multi-optimization procedure will be developed to assist the architect in searching for the best building renovation solution that minimizes energy consumption (EC) and maximizes the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in a cost-effective manner. The resulting tool will be tested in architectural design practice scenarios to determine its strengths and weaknesses. The results will be written in a tool guidebook and disseminated in a technical seminar on building retrofit/renovation.

This innovative and unique approach has never been developed in the building renovation/retrofit research field. The research approach aims to create a tool to assist the building practitioner in finding the best design strategy according to competing objectives. Three core algorithms will be developed, which are based in previous works of the research team. The first algorithm is capable of generating alternative floor plan designs according to the same preferences and requirements of the user. It is a hybrid evolutionary strategy approached enhanced with a local search technique. This algorithm combines several requirements that were otherwise spread in different space planning approaches. It has been tested in several multi-level complex design programs with promising results. The second algorithm explores the thermal performance improvement potential of the generate floor plans, by changing sequentially several geometry variables, such as the building orientation, the openings position and size, the design of the shading mechanisms, the interior wall position, etc. The third algorithm to be developed aims to find the best renovation strategy considering CS and ES in a cost-effective manner. The developed algorithms, however, need to be further developed to fully tackle deep building renovations.

Additionally, two other algorithms will be developed to widen and improve the tool usage efficiency. The first algorithm is a trained Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for building performance assessment. It will be used during optimization processes of the core algorithms, as alternative to the dynamic simulation, which requires long computational runtimes. The dynamic simulation will be used in the tool for detailed performance reports and online training of the ANN. The aim of the second algorithm is to facilitate the building survey process. A 3D point cloud algorithm with a logarithmic proportional objective function will be used to capture and automatically generate the existing building geometry.

These five algorithms will be implemented in a BIM add-on user graphical interface, thus integrating this approach in the architectural workflow. As the usability and accessibility of the tool is an important issue for the aiming practitioners, ergonomic tests for human-interface interactions will be carried out. This information will be feedback to the tool developers. Finally, the tool will be tested in real case scenarios of different levels of building renovation.

The team is composed of several experts with different scientific background in buildings, such as architectural generative design, building retrofit, building energy efficiency, applied optimization, building survey, and ergonomics in human-interface interactions. Also, the team has the contribution of three renown international consultants, which cover specific objectives of the research project, such as the implementation of the tool in the fields of building performance simulation, BIM operability, and IFC standards.

Title: ESGRIDS – Enhancing Smart GRIDs for Sustainability

Coordinators at INESCC: Carlos Henggeler


Project Team:

Date of approval: 05-08-2016

Dates start/end: 01-01-2017 / 31-12-2019

Total Eligible Cost: 368 711.7538

EU Financial Support: 313 404.67€

National Financial Support: 55 306.71€

Project Code: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016434

Region of intervention:




The ESGRIDS project aims at developing new scientific methodologies that result in disruptive solutions to meet the challenges that future electrical power systems will face. This will be achieved by implementing a multidisciplinary approach that brings significant developments with respect to the main actors of the electrical power system: end-users of energy, network operators and markets / regulation. These actors thus define the three main areas of activity (axes of action) of the proposed project, namely: 

– Energy End User;

– Operation and Control of the Distribution Network; 

– Market and Business Models 

The main targets to be met are related to the development of innovative solutions that contribute to a smart, sustainable, efficient and safe power system allowing the integration of non-polluting energy and more environmentally friendly transportation. In order to achieve this, significant contributions in the area of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and power electronics, as well as the use of advanced Data Analytics are fundamental since these subjects are transversal to the three axes of action of the project. 

The main objectives identified for achieving the proposed goals are the following: 

1. Study in detail the development prospects of the electrical power systems, identifying alternative reference architectures, supported by technologies and business models associated with any of the three main axes of action; 

2. Establish, based on the analysis of the foreseen evolution, a set of case studies (Business Use Cases) which should clearly address the challenges and provide input for each of the project?s axes of action; 

3. Define detailed requirements to support the development of a number of innovative features that allow: 

a) Promoting and defining new approaches to foster the involvement of end users, with the support of technological solutions that promote their active participation in energy markets and distribution grid operation and a more efficient use of energy;

b) Developing advanced solutions for a safer and more efficient management and control of the distribution grid through smart systems based on cutting-edge technologies that address the growing complexity of the power system with high integration of renewable energy;

c) Studying new market structures and alternative business models that contribute to the overall efficiency of the system through mechanisms that promote the effective integration of the proposed solutions; 

4.Validate in a conclusive way the solutions identified through simulation and proof of concept allowing the evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of the methods proposed to meet the expected challenges.

RT-CARE – Computational Approaches for Radiotherapy Planning of Excellence


Title: RT-CARE – Computational Approaches for Radiotherapy Planning of Excellence

Coordinators at INESCC: Joana Maria Pina Cabral Matos Dias

Co-Coordinator: Humberto  José  da  Silva  Pereira  Rocha

Project Team:

Date of approval: 26-04-2018

Dates start/end: 01-07-2018 / 30-06-2021

Total Eligible Cost: 229 483.25€

EU Financial Support: 195 060.76€

National Financial Support: 34 422.49€

Project Code: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028030

Region of intervention

Beneficiaries: INESC Coimbra – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra




Radiotherapy is a technology driven approach for cancer treatment, with different modalities that share the need for a trial-and-error computer-assisted Radiotherapy Treatment Planning (RTP) procedure based on a Treatment Planning System (TPS) that presents severe limitations. Despite the appearance of powerful computational resources, improvement of dose calculation algorithms, semi-automated segmentation algorithms and 3D visualization tools, RTP is still workload expensive; the plan’s quality is highly dependent on the planner’s skills, experience and time availability; it is not possible to know whether a better treatment plan is achievable. It is crucial to evolve to a future generation of Treatment Planning Services, based on automated treatment planning and new plan quality assessment metrics.

The project is aligned with the European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology Vision 2020: “Every cancer patient in Europe will have access to state of the art radiation therapy, as part of a multidisciplinary approach where treatment is individualized for the specific patient’s cancer, taking account of the patient’s personal circumstances.” It aims to achieve breakthrough developments in RTP, improving the quality of treatments, leading to increased cure rates, decreased treatment induced morbidity, reduction of planners’ workload, keeping high quality of care affordable for all. The project will develop models and algorithms to be incorporated in future TPS software solutions, making fully automated treatment planning closer to reality for different modalities. The project team is especially well suited to tackle the main challenges of RTP automation. Researchers come from different scientific domains (operations research, medical physics, computer science, medicine) and professional backgrounds (research, education, clinical). The team has established links with renowned researchers like B. Heijmen (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam), U. Oelfke (Institute of Cancer Research, London), M. Alber (Aarhus University), D. Craft (Harvard Medical School, Boston), D. Aleman (University of Toronto).

The project is aligned with key objectives of the EU Framework for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 and with the Portuguese National Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization. “Information Technology” and “Health and Well Being” are thematic differentiated domains for Portuguese Centre Region. “Technologies for Quality of Life” is a priority area, focusing on personalized medicine and consolidation of excellence in clinical practice.

The project is highly cross-disciplinary, requiring advanced mathematics, very fast computations, and deep insight in radiotherapy. It is ambitious and well-anchored in the team’s earlier achievements. The experience of the team, the current advances in optimization approaches and computational resources availability, makes now the perfect timing and this the perfect team to tackle the incoming challenges.



In this project we will address the problem of radiotherapy treatment planning optimization, for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT),


(Image obtained using Software CERR)

  • What is IMRT?

    • Radiation therapy consists in the treatment of cancerous tissues using radiation, having as goal the destruction of cancerous cells and the preservation of healthy tissues. The treatment plan is based on the patient CT images, where the radiation oncologist delineates the target volume and organs at risk. The medical physicist and/or the dosimetrist are then responsible for performing the plan aiming to deliver the prescribed dose to the tumor while minimizing the irradiation of the surrounding healthy organs and tissues. The achievement of optimal radiotherapy treatments is done through the optimization of all possible variables that can influence the dose distribution.With IMRT, the number of degrees of freedom to be optimized is so large that computation of mathematical algorithms is mandatory to achieve valuable solutions. The selection of appropriate radiation incidence directions may be decisive for the quality of the treatment.

  • What is VMAT?

    • The radiation is continuously delivered during the rotation of the gantry, instead of being delivered just at a discrete set of predetermined angles.

  • Why is this problem important?

    • In clinical practice, most of the time, treatment planning is still a manual, trial-and-error procedure. In this project we will work on computer-aided inverse planning applied to radiation therapy treatments, contributing to the automation of this process.

  • What do we propose to do?

    • Improving treatment quality and reducing planning time by developing new automated global optimization strategies for IMRT (non-coplanar) and VMAT (coplanar and non-coplanar).

    • Incorporating multiple objectives in the optimization procedures.

    • Creating and comparing optimized plans for different treatment modalities considering quality assessment metrics and making use of multicriteria analysis methodologies.

  • Who are we?

    • This is an interdisciplinary project, with researchers having a solid background on computer science, optimization, medical physics and clinical practice. From the computer science and optimization side, the team has expertise in creating algorithms in multidisciplinary optimization including derivative-free algorithms and evolutionary computation. From the medical physics side, the team counts with specialized researchers, with a sound experience in treatment planning both from the research and from the clinical practice points of view. The synergies that will be possible to exploit set the grounds for a future quality research and contribute to the innovative character of our proposed work.

Contributing to automated treatment planning will have social and economic impacts especially considering our ageing population and the expected increase of cancer incidence. Simultaneously reducing the workload associated with treatment planning, and increasing treatment quality, will contribute to providing excellent healthcare without unbearable cost increase.

You cal also look at our previous project here.


Cancer is a major threat to human health and development (World Health Organization). New cases for high income countries in 2020 are expected to be 21% higher than in 2009 (Economist Intelligence Unit). The European Commission (EC) considers that cancer “represents an enormous burden on society in an ageing Europe, affecting a growing number of individuals and their relatives”, and recognizes that “Europe is characterized by worrying inequalities in cancer control and care existing within, as well as between, EU Member states”. According to EC, about 50% of all cancer patients are treated with radiotherapy during the illness.

The current clinical planning practice creates huge variations in the quality of the delivered treatments, since treatment quality is dependent on the planner’s skills and time availability. It is not possible to know how far from the optimal plan the current plan is and it can be unbearable to spend several days planning the treatment for a single patient. Some Treatment Planning Systems (TPS) make available some level of automated planning, supporting constrained optimization, sensitivity analysis, exploration of trade-offs, optimization based on templates. Nevertheless, there is no TPS on the market that releases the human planner from all the tuning and trial-and-error procedures: there is no fully automated treatment planning software solution.

Treatment dose is usually fractionated in daily sessions, during several weeks. If there are considerable changes on the patient’s anatomy or in the size and position of the areas to treat, then re-planning has to be considered. The final objective is to have daily re-planning (Adaptive Radiotherapy – ART), which will require also new developments in autosegmentation and deformable image registration tools, together with automated treatment planning.

Nowadays there are many different treatment modalities available, and new radiotherapy treatment approaches will probably appear in the future. The lack of automated treatment planning solutions prevents the possibility of taking full advantage of the existing treatment modalities: it is not possible to know how far it would be possible to go regarding treatment quality with a given technology. Furthermore, treating a patient with a more recent modality can be more expensive than using a conventional one. Deciding on the best treatment has to consider the tradeoff between costs and benefits to the patient of using a more expensive treatment. The treatment plan is patient and machine dependent. It is thus necessary to generate different plans for different modalities to support the decision making process, which is currently not possible due to the overload that would bring to an already heavy workflow.

Automated planning will contribute to: personalized medicine in radiotherapy; increase in treatment’s quality with expected increase in disease control and reduced morbidity; treatment practice uniformity between different clinicians and institutions; better selection of patients for new and more expensive treatment modalities; developments in ART; significant decrease in costs. These impacts will have important social and economic consequences, due to their influence at patient and family levels and work productivity.

The project is aligned with the European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology Vision 2020: “Every cancer patient in Europe will have access to state of the art radiation therapy, as part of a multidisciplinary approach where treatment is individualized for the specific patient’s cancer, taking account of the patient’s personal circumstances.” It is also aligned with key objectives of the EU Framework for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 (Excellence Science, Competitive Industries, Better Society) and with the Portuguese National Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization. It will provide training, research and development career opportunities for young researchers, involving the scientific community in economic activities and contributing to scientific job creation. “Information Technology” and “Health and Well Being” are thematic differentiated domains for Portuguese Centre Region. One of the priority areas connecting the thematic domains is “Technologies for Quality of Life”, focusing on personalized medicine, consolidation of excellence in clinical practice.

In this project IMRT as well as VMAT (where radiation arcs instead of discrete set of radiation directions are used) will be considered. Regarding IMRT BAO, the focus will be on non-coplanar treatments, since it is where the most important added-value of BAO is found. Non-coplanar BAO is seldom done in clinical practice due to the increased level of complexity related to the increased levels of freedom introduced in the problem.

Non-coplanar IMRT BAO problem will be interpreted as a continuous non-convex optimization problem (whilst other approaches known from the literature treat this as a combinatorial problem), to be tackled by derivative-free algorithms, population based and local search based metaheuristics. Parallel strategies for implementing these optimization methods will have to be devised. Although methods developed for IMRT planning cannot be directly applied to VMAT, VMAT planning optimization can be interpreted as IMRT planning optimization with a huge number of radiation incidences (also known as control points – CP – determined by the discretization of the arc), and with one single MLC aperture in each CP. The main advantage of VMAT seems to be the reduced time of treatment, with equal or better dosimetric results. Nevertheless, intra-motion problems can be better tackled by fixed beam methods, and dosimetric differences may not present significant clinical benefits. BAO is still used for VMAT especially considering non-coplanar treatment planning.

Generating a treatment plan is a highly complex task, involving compromises between different conflicting objectives and human judgement. The mutual dependences that exist between objectives are not known a priori and are patient dependent. We will make explicit use of conflicting objectives when guiding the algorithmic search processes. The optimized treatment plans will have to be evaluated and compared, through the development of new evaluation tools that will support the clinical decision. This will be achieved by combining the development of efficient multiobjective non-linear optimization algorithms with new methodologies for decision making in radiotherapy treatment selection. Indeed, since several contradicting objectives have to be simultaneously considered (minimization of the irradiation of healthy organs and maximization of the irradiation of the volumes to treat, for example), the optimization process will typically produce a number of alternative plans from which the final treatment plan must be selected. Moreover, attributes beyond dosimetry ones can be considered (like the patient’s preferences). Automated recommendation systems capable of suggesting one treatment plan out of the set of possible treatment plans will be developed based on preference learning and multi-attribute decision analysis approaches, while parallel computing approaches will be used in order to drastically reduce computation times and make the automated processes compatible with clinical time frames.





Joana Matos Dias has a BSc in Computers Engineering (1996), a MSc in Operations Research (2000), a MSc in Quantitative Finance (2011) and a PhD in Management Science (2006). She has obtained Habilitation in 2017. She is an Assistant Professor at University of Coimbra, where she has been responsible for several course units like logistics, operations research, modeling in management, simulation. She is also a researcher at Inesc-Coimbra. Her main research interest is decision making models and algorithms in general, and operations research applied to health problems, combinatorial optimization, location problems in particular. She is author or co-author of two books, more than 70 papers in refereed international journals, conference proceeding and book chapters.

Personal homepage


Humberto Rocha is currently an Assistant Professor at University of Coimbra and Researcher at CeBER and Inesc-Coimbra Research Centers. He received both his bachelor and master degrees in Applied Mathematics from the University of Coimbra in 1998 and 2001, respectively. In 2005, he completed a PhD in Computational and Applied Mathematics at Old Dominion University (ODU) and NASA Langley Research Center, both in Virginia, USA. He received a medical degree from the University of Minho in 2015. His research centers on applications in physics, inverse engineering, aeronautics, medicine, and recently economics. This multidisciplinary approach lead to publications in a variety of journals of different areas, including Journal of aircraft, Medical Physics, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Physica Medica, Physica A. Most of his publications are in top journals of his area (Applied Mathematics/Operations Research), including SIAM Journal on Optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, Computational Optimization and Applications, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, International Transactions of Operations Research.




Maria do Carmo Lopes is Head of the Medical Physics Department of the Portuguese Institut of Oncology in Coimbra (IPOCFG, E.P.E.), with 20 years experience in Medical Physics with special interest in Radiotherapy. She has been invited Associated Professor at Aveiro University (I3N, Physics Dept.) since 2008. Her PhD. was obtained in 1991, in Radiation Physics at Coimbra University. She has been deeply involved in the clinical development of new techniques in Radiotherapy, like radiosurgery, stereotactic radiotherapy and IMRT. She has coordinated many education and training activities, namely Radiation Protection Courses for different health care professionals, in the Centre of Permanent Professional Development at IPOC and she has collaborated with different universities in graduation and post-graduation programs. She has been the Coordinator of the Medical Physics Division of the Portuguese Physics Society and the National Member Officer of the European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) during the period 2005-2012. She was member of the Physics Committee of ESTRO in 2005-2011. She was the Chair of the Education and Training Committee in the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) during the last term 2009-2012. She is presently member of the Scientific Committee at EFOMP and of the Education and Training Committee at IOMP. She is active in various national and international research projects, namely with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).




Tiago Ventura is a physicist at the Medical Physics Department of the Portuguese Institute of Oncology Francisco Gentil in Coimbra (IPOCFG, EPE) since 2007. He has completed his degree in Physics Engineering at University of Aveiro in 2007 and was awarded with the prize for the best graduating student of Physics Engineering of the year. His main field of interests covers the development of tools for quality assurance in radiation therapy and the implementation of new sophisticated techniques such as Radiosurgery, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy and Stereotactic radiotherapy. Presently is doing his PhD in Physics Engineering at University of Aveiro. His research project is in the field of clinical implementation of gantry angle optimization, evaluation of physical and biological objective functions and plan evaluation.


Maria João Alves received a degree in Computers Engineering from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra in 1989 and a PhD in Management (speciality Operational Research) from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC). She is Assistant Professor at FEUC and co-coordinator of the Doctoral Programme in Management – Decision Aiding Science. She is also a researcher at the INESC Coimbra and CeBER R&D institutes. Her research activities are mainly developed in multiobjective optimization, in particular multiobjective linear, mixed-integer, fractional and bilevel programming. Her interests include exact methods and metaheuristics (evolutionary algorithms and particle swarm optimization), applications and decision support systems. She is co-author of scientific papers published in several international journals (such as, European Journal of Operational Research, Computers & Operations Research, Journal of Heuristics, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, Applied Mathematics and Computation, among others), an article in the Encyclopaedia of Optimization, one book in Portuguese (2003) and a book of the series “Euro Advanced Tutorials on Operational Research”, entitled Multiobjective Linear and Integer Programming, Springer, 2016.




Brigida da Costa Ferreira is assistant professor at the School of Health of Porto Polytechnic and researcher at I3N (Physics Department from Aveiro University) and INESCC. She graduated in Technological Physics at the Science Faculty of Lisbon University and did her PhD in Medical Radiation Physics at Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University. Her postdoc was done at Aveiro University and at the Medical Physics Department of IPOCFG that aimed to implement IMRT for head and neck tumours and Stereotactic IMRT for brain lesions. Under the program CIENCIA2008, her research project involved the development of the electronic health information system RESPONSE aiming to collect clinical patient data for radiobiological studies. Her research work was published in international journals like Medical Physics, Radiation Oncology, Physics Medicine and Biology, Acta Oncologica, Physica Medica (awarded best paper 2006-2007), etc. Some of her main interests are: dose-response modelling, evaluation of the efficacy of radiation therapy, radiobiological optimization, advanced radiation therapy techniques.



Luis C. Dias obtained a degree in Informatics in 1992, a Ph.D. in Management in 2001, and Habilitation in Decision Aiding Science in 2013, from the University of Coimbra. He is currently Associate Professor and Vice-Dean for Research at the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (FEUC), where he has been teaching courses on decision analysis, operations research, informatics, and related areas, and has supervised 10 PhD students. He is a former (co)coordinator of the Master’s in Management and the PhD in Sustainable Energy Systems. He held temporary invited positions at the University Paris-Dauphine, France, and the University of Vienna, Austria. Luis is the Director of the Centre for Business and Economics Research at U. Coimbra (CeBER), a collaborator at INESC Coimbra, a member of the coordination board of U.Coimbra’s Energy for Sustainability Initiative, and currently a Vice-President of APDIO, the Portuguese Operational Research Society. He is on the Editorial Board of the EURO Journal on Decision Processes and Omega, and also contributes to the community as evaluator of grants (Academy of Finland, Cyprus’s Research Promotion Foundation, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Poland’s National Science Centre) and PhD theses (Univ. of Adelaide, Australia; Aalto Univ. and Univ. of Jyväskylä, Finland; Univ. Lisbon and Porto, Portugal; Univ. du Luxembourg; Univ. Politec. Madrid and Univ. Rovira i Virgili, Spain; Univ. Vienna, Austria; Univ Warwick, UK). He has published over 60 articles in peer-reviewed international journals, in journals such as Computers & Operations Research, Decision Analysis, Decision Support Systems, European J. of Operational Research and Omega (in the management science / operations research area) as well as Applied Energy, Energy Policy, Environmental Science & Technology, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Journal of Cleaner Production (in the energy and environment area), with over 1000 citations both in Scopus and Web of Science.



Pedro Carrasqueira has a BsC in Applied Mathematics, University of Coimbra (1998); Master in Computational Mathematics, University of Minho (2002) and a PhD in Management – Decision Support Science, University of Coimbra (2017)

His main areas of research are optimization, namely single, multiobjective and bilevel optimization; and, data analysis and modeling

At INESC Coimbra Pedro Carrasqueira is developing optimization algorithms, including metaheuristics, to solve problems in the field of intensity-modulated radiotherapy treatment planning, namely concerning volumetric arc therapy (VMAT) treatment planning

Before, Pedro Carrasqueira was also performing data analysis and remote sensing applied to forest inventory and modeling to support decisions in sustainable forest management, within a pulp and paper manufactory company

Pedro Carrasqueira was assistant professor for 15 years at undergraduate level in Public Polytechnic Institutions.

We also count with the support of internationally renowned consultants:


Ben Heijmen obtained his PhD in 1988 at the department of Molecular and Laser Physics at the University Nijmegen, The Netherlands and moved to Erasmus MC, in Rotherdam, where he was resident in medical physics in radiotherapy from 1988 to 1992. Since then he has been faculty member/medical physicist at the department of Radiation Oncology, working group leader of Erasmus Postgraduate School Molecular Medicine and head of division of Medical Physics (2006-2015). He has been full professor of Radiation Oncology Physics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, since 2005. His current research projects are in the areas of automated treatment plan generation, computer optimization of (non-coplanar) beam angles, image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), adaptive radiotherapy (ART), stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) with the Cyberknife robotic treatment unit, proton therapy, and development of procedures and software for enhancement of patient safety, including electronic portal imaging (EPID) based in-vivo dosimetry. He has been very active at ESTRO as member of the Education Council of ESTRO since 2016, member of the ESTRO Physics Committee (2008-2019), teacher and director of different ESTRO Physics training courses, or member of the Editorial Board of “Radiotherapy and Oncology” (Green Journal). In 2017 he was awarded with the Emmanuel van der Schueren Award of ESTRO as “… a recognition of the excellence of your scientific work and of the enormous contribution you have made within ESTRO, in the field of education and in the promotion of radiation oncology as a discipline.




David Craft received his Ph.D. in Operations Research from MIT in 2004. Since then he has worked as a researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital. He broadly works in the area of optimizing cancer treatment. Specific projects over the years include multi-criteria radiation therapy optimization, volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT), prediction and machine learning of complex systems, cancer genomics, and immunotherapy. In his spare time he enjoys playing music, foraging for wild edible plants, and cycling.




Uwe Oelfke began his career in Theoretical Nuclear Physics, gaining his PhD at the University of Hanover in 1990 and then moving to TRIUMF, Canada’s national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics. Here he worked as a Post Doc, initially with the Nuclear Theory group and then moved to the Batho Biomedical Facility as a Research Associate, looking at Proton & Pion Therapy . At this stage he transferred from Nuclear to Medical Physics. 
In 1997 he returned to Germany to join DKFZ in Heidelberg as a Research Associate, where he became a group leader in 2001 and received a Professorship of Medical Radiation Physics from Heidelberg University in 2004. During 15 years in Heidelberg, his research was focused on Adaptive and image-guided radiation therapy, treatment planning and modelling and Hadron therapy. 
He firmly believes that Medical physics research on cancer imaging and therapy is an essential component to improve the clinical outcomes of radiation oncology. He moved to the UK in 2013 to join the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) and the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust (RMH), a world leading comprehensive cancer centre which initiates the next generation of radiotherapy treatments, by combining the most recent developments in cancer biology, cancer therapeutics and medical physics in a truly interdisciplinary approach. 
As Head of the Joint Department of Physics (ICR & RMH) Uwe is combining functional diagnostic imaging with new forms of image-guided radiation therapy to predict how tissues will react to radiotherapy treatment.




Dionne Aleman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto. She received her PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Florida (2007), MSc from the University of Florida (2006), and BSc from the University of Florida (2003).

Dr. Aleman’s research focuses on the application of operations research to medical and healthcare systems to improve the quality, timeliness, and efficiency of care. This research includes using optimization, simulation, machine learning, and graph theory to design and validate radiation therapy treatment plans, to predict and mitigate the spread of pandemic diseases in urban populations, to improve hospital surgical scheduling, and to optimize organ transplant matches and multi-person chains. Dr. Aleman has held grants from NSERC, CFI, ORF, and NSF for her research. She is a two-term past President of the Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS), as well as a past Vice President and Secretary of CORS Council, and a past Secretary of the CORS Health Care Operations Research Special Interest Group. Within the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), she currently serves on the Committee for Teaching and Learning, and has previously served as Chair of the Health Applications Society (HAS), President of the Public Sector OR Section (PSOR), President of the Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG), and TutORials co-chair. Dr. Aleman is also a Topical Editor for the Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Associate Editor for IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, Associate Editor for the International Journal of Biomedical Data Mining, and Editorial Board Member of Operations Research in Health Care.



Alves, N., Joana Dias, H. Rocha, T. Ventura, J. Mateus, M. Capela, L. Khouri, M. C. Lopes (2021) “Assessing the need for Adaptive Radiotherapy in Head and Neck cancer patients using an automatic planning tool”, Reports of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy (accepted for publication).

Carrasqueira, Pedro, H. Rocha, Joana Dias, T. Ventura, B. C. Ferreira, e M. C. Lopes (2021) “An automated treatment planning strategy for highly noncoplanar radiotherapy arc trajectories”, International Transactions in Operational Research (accepted for publication).

Ventura, Tiago, Joana Dias, L. Khouri, E. Netto, A. Soares, B. Ferreira, H. Rocha; M. C. Lopes (2020) “Clinical validation of a graphical method for radiation therapy plan quality assessment”, Radiation Oncology, 15: 64 (pdf).

Rocha H., Joana Dias, Carrasqueira P., Ventura T., Ferreira B., Lopes M..C. (2020) “Comparison of Different Strategies for Arc Therapy Optimization”. In: Gervasi O. et al. (eds) Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2020. ICCSA 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12251. Springer (pdf)

Ventura T., M. C. Lopes, H. Rocha, B. Ferreira B., Joana Dias (2020) Advantage of Beam Angle Optimization in Head-and-Neck IMRT: Patient Specific Analysis. In: Henriques J., Neves N., de Carvalho P. (eds) XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing – MEDICON 2019. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 76, pp 1256-1263. Springer, Cham (pdf).

Ferreira, B., Joana Dias, A. Gomes, P. Mavroidis, H. Rocha (2020) Dose-Response to Different Radiochemotherapy Regimens in Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. In: Henriques J., Neves N., de Carvalho P. (eds) XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing – MEDICON 2019. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 76, pp 1276-1282. Springer, Cham (pdf)

Rocha, H., Joana Dias, T. Ventura, B. Ferreira. M.C. Lopes (2020) Optimization of Highly Noncoplanar Arc Therapy Trajectories: A Dosimetric Approach. In: Henriques J., Neves N., de Carvalho P. (eds) XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing – MEDICON 2019. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 76, pp 1270-1275. Springer, Cham (pdf)

Lopes, M. D. C., Santos, T., Ventura, T., & Capela, M. (2019). Application of the TRS 483 code of practice for reference and relative dosimetry in tomotherapy. Medical physics (pdf).

Alves, M. J., Antunes, C. H., & Costa, J. P. (2019). New concepts and an algorithm for multiobjective bilevel programming: optimistic, pessimistic and moderate solutions. Operational Research, 1-34 (pdf).

Ventura, Tiago, H. Rocha, B. C. Ferreira, L. Khouri, Joana Dias, M. C. Lopes (2019) “Comparison of two beam angular optimization algorithms guided by automated multicriterial IMRT”, Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics, vol 64, pp 210-221 (pdf)

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Tiago Ventura, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2019) “An Optimization Approach For Noncoplanar Intensity-Modulated Arc Therapy Trajectories” In: Gervasi O. et al. (eds) Computational Science and Its Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11621, pp 199-214 (pdf)

Ferreira B., P. Mavroidis, Joana Dias, H. Rocha (2019) “Incorporating the Local Biological Effect of Dose Per Fraction in IMRT Inverse Optimization”. In: Lhotska L., Sukupova L., Lacković I., Ibbott G. (eds) World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 68/3, pp 413-416. Springer (pdf)

Rocha, H., Joana Dias, Tiago Ventura, Brígida Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2018) “Beam Angle Optimization in IMRT: Are We Really Optimizing What Matters?”, International Transactions in Operational Research, 26, pp 908-928 (pdf)

Rocha H., Joana Dias, Ventura T., Ferreira B., do Carmo Lopes M. (2018) “Comparison of Combinatorial and Continuous Frameworks for the Beam Angle Optimization Problem in IMRT”, In: Gervasi O. et al. (eds) Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10961, pp 593-606 (pdf).


We have organized a two days course included in the Portuguese School of Medical Physics:


We have been participating in several different scientific events:


Dias, Joana (2021) “Operations Research and Medical Physics: A Match Made in Heaven”, Fast and furious: lightning talks in the Practice of OR Stream, 31st European Conference on Operational Research, 11-14 July 2021, Athens, Greece (hybrid format) Invited Presentation

Dias, Joana, Humberto Rocha, Tiago Ventura, Brígida Ferreira e Maria do Carmo Lopes (2021) “Clinical Validation of a Graphical Method for Radiation Therapy Plan Quality Assessment: elicitation of preferences using linear programming”, 31st European Conference on Operational Research, 11-14 July 2021, Athens, Greece (hybrid format)

Rocha, Humberto and Joana Dias (2021) “Selection of Beam Directions for Prostate Cancer Treated with Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy using a Randomized Direct-Search Method”, 31st European Conference on Operational Research, 11-14 July 2021, Athens, Greece (hybrid format)

Rocha H., Joana Dias, Carrasqueira P., Ventura T., Ferreira B., Lopes M..C. (2020) “Comparison of Different Strategies for Arc Therapy Optimization”. 20th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA2020) – Remote Conference, 1 – 4 July 2020

Ventura T., M. C. Lopes, H. Rocha, B. Ferreira B., Joana Dias (2019) Advantage of Beam Angle Optimization in Head-and-Neck IMRT: Patient Specific Analysis. XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing – MEDICON 2019, Coimbra, Portugal, 26-28 September 2019

Ferreira, B., Joana Dias, A. Gomes, P. Mavroidis, H. Rocha (2020) Dose-Response to Different Radiochemotherapy Regimens in Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing – MEDICON 2019, Coimbra, Portugal, 26-28 September 2019

Rocha, H., Joana Dias, T. Ventura, B. Ferreira. M.C. Lopes (2020) Optimization of Highly Noncoplanar Arc Therapy Trajectories: A Dosimetric Approach. XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing – MEDICON 2019, Coimbra, Portugal, 26-28 September 2019

Dias, Joana, Humberto Rocha, Tiago Ventura, Brígida Ferreira and Maria do Carmo Lopes (2019) “Optimization meets Medical Physics: planning radiotherapy treatments with BAO approaches”, ORAHS 2019, Conference of the European Working Group on Operations Research Applied to Healthcare Services, Karlsruhe, Germany, 28 July-2 August 2019.

Dias, Joana, Humberto Rocha, Tiago Ventura, Brígida Ferreira e Maria do Carmo Lopes (2019) “Optimização Angular no planeamento de tratamentos de radioterapia: a importância da escolha da função objectivo”, XX Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional, Tomar, Portugal, 22-24 July 2019.

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Tiago Ventura, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2019) “An Optimization Approach For Noncoplanar Intensity-Modulated Arc Therapy Trajectories”, 19th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA2019), St. Petersburg, Russia,  1 to 4 July 2019

Humberto Rocha, Joana Dias, Tiago Ventura, Brígida Ferreira and Maria do Carmo Lopes (2018), “Optimização Angular no Planeamento de Tratamentos de Radioterapia: a importância da escolha da função objectivo na exploração do espaço de soluções”, XIX Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional, Aveiro, Portugal, 5-7 September, 2018

Rocha H., Joana Dias, Ventura T., Ferreira B., do Carmo Lopes M. (2018) “Beam angle optimization in IMRT: are we really optimizing what matters?”, 29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO2018), Valencia, Spain, 8th – 11th  July, 2018

Rocha H., Joana Dias, Ventura T., Ferreira B., do Carmo Lopes M. (2018) “Comparison of Combinatorial and Continuous Frameworks for the Beam Angle Optimization Problem in IMRT”, The 18th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2018), 2-5 July, Melbourbe, Australia

Ferreira B., P. Mavroidis, Joana Dias, H. Rocha (2018) “Incorporating the Local Biological Effect of Dose Per Fraction in IMRT Inverse Optimization”. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 3-8 June, Prague, Check Republic


If you want more information about our project, or if you think that you could collaborate with us, please feel free to contact us:

Joana Dias
INESC Coimbra – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra

Rua Sílvio Lima, Pólo II

3030-290 – Coimbra


tel: +351239790571






Title: MAnAGER – Models and algorithms for automated stand-alone and aggregated energy management systems to enhancing demand response in the SME and residential sectors

Coordinators at INESCC: Carlos Henggeler

Co-Coordinator: Marta Lopes 

Project Team:

Álvaro GomesDEEC-UC, INESC
António Gomes MartinsDEEC-UC, INESC
Carlos Henggeler AntunesDEEC-UC, INESC
Hermano BernardoINESC
Humberto JorgeDEEC-UC, INESC
Inês ReisINESC
Ivo GonçalvesINESC
João TrovãoUniversité de Sherbrooke, INESC
José SousaIPS, INESC
Luís NevesIPL, INESC
Paulo PereirinhaISEC-IPC, INESC

Date of approval: 26-04-2018

Dates start/end: 09-07-2018 / 08-07-2021

Total Eligible Cost: 231 795.83€

EU Financial Support: 197 026.46€

National Financial Support: 34 769.37€

Project Code: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028040

Region of intervention

Beneficiaries: INESC Coimbra – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra



Grid management has undergone a paradigm shift from a demand-driven supply strategy to a model based on renewables generation, which introduces new supply and demand balancing challenges due to its intermittent nature. In this new scenario, energy resources management on the demand side in a residential and small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) context, using the flexibility that energy end-users provide regarding load operation, in combination with dynamic tariffs, behavioral change and the transformation of consumers into prosumers, offers a vast potential to be exploited for the integrated optimization of energy resources.


This project aims to develop models and algorithms for automated, stand-alone and aggregated energy management systems (EMS) to be integrated in smart grid technologies. This development will contribute to the increased penetration of renewable energy generation, increase electricity system sustainability and reliability, enhance the operation of energy markets by facilitating the participation of new players, and bring technical and economic benefits to residential consumers and SMEs.

Characterized by an interdisciplinary nature, this project includes the know-how and expertise from electrical engineering, decision analysis, operational research, behavioral analysis and economics and its main objectives are:

  1. To design and implement models and algorithms for automated stand-alone EMS for the integrated optimization of energy resources. To include multiple objectives into the model to account for the trade-offs between economic and comfort dimensions, considering the requirements and preferences of distinct types of consumers. To extend this work to aggregator entities operating as mediators between consumers and system operators and the energy market, which can offer bids for ancillary services using the flexibility negotiated with clusters of consumers endowed with standalone EMS.
  2. To develop innovative pricing mechanisms for parties’ negotiation in hierarchical decisions, e.g. retailers vs. consumers engaged in demand response through EMS as well as aggregators of demand flexibility vs. system operators/energy markets, based on bi-level mathematical programming (Stackelberg games).
  3. To characterize and exploit the issues associated with behavioral and organizational demand response in the SME and residential sectors, including the design of pre-specified profiles enabling to anticipate and facilitate the computation of optimal solutions for the integrated management of energy resources (also accounting for usability, control, privacy and feedback).


The project involves four core activities:

  1. Optimization algorithms to enhance stand-alone and aggregated demand response flexibility. Leader: Carlos Henggeler Antunes
  2. Development of innovative tariff mechanisms for the retail electricity market. Leader: António Martins
  3. Behavioral and organizational demand response. Leader: Marta Lopes
  4. Integrated planning of the energy system to take full advantage of demand response. Leader: Luis Neves

Tasks and Milestones Schedule


More Detail About Milestones

M1.1: Optimisation algorithms for stand-alone energy management systems.Optimisation algorithms running incorporating multiple objectives and different inputs. Design and test of adaptive operators to increase computational performance and allow implementation in near real time.
M1.2: Optimisation algorithms for aggregated energy management systems.Optimisation algorithms for an aggregator entity to operate as an intermediary between individual energy management systems and the system operator / energy market.
M2.1: Bi-level algorithms to optimise electricity dynamic pricing in retail markets.Design, implementation and test of bi-level optimisation algorithms based on the hybridisation of evolutionary programming with exact algorithms to study the interactions between retailers and consumers endowed with energy management systems.
M2.2: Bi-level algorithms to optimise interactions between the grid/energy market, aggregators, and consumers.Design, implementation and test of bi-level optimisation algorithms to optimise the interactions between the grid/energy market, aggregators, and consumers, including multiple objectives.
M3.1: End-users’ specifications of energy management systems.Usability, control and feedback specifications of energy management systems assessed through international standards.
M3.2: Demand response flexibility simulation models for the SME and residential sectors.Demand response flexibility simulation models that are specifically designed for the SME and residential sectors incorporating its behavioural and organizational specifications, to be used by electricity retailers.
M3.3: On-line demand response flexibility simulator open to the public.On-line demand response flexibility simulator open to the public to facilitate the energy and economic impact assessment of different tariff structures thus supporting end-users’ decision making, in particular SME and residential end-users.
M4.1: Portfolio optimisation models.Development of portfolio optimisation models to determine efficient cost-risk frontiers. Development of adequate algorithms based on mathematical programming and meta-heuristics to deal with those models.
M4.2: Bi-level models to reflect the impacts of demand response on the grid operation and planning.Development of bi-level models to reflect the impacts of demand response on the grid operation and planning, extending the previous work by the research team on the computation of “extreme” solutions (regarding the leader/follower interactions).

Expected Outputs

The expected results can be used by consumers, load serving entities and aggregators who may use the consumption patterns flexibility to provide system services. These developments will contribute to the increased penetration of renewable energy generation, increase the sustainability and reliability of the system, improve the operation of energy markets by facilitating the participation of new players and bring technical and economic benefits to residential consumers and SMEs.

Title: ResNeD – Resilient Network Design – enhancing availability for critical services 

Coordinators at INESCC:  José Craveirinha (25-11-2020); Teresa Gomes  (22-06-2018 / 24-11-2020)

Co-Coordinator: Rita Girão-Silva (25-11-2020);  José Craveirinha (22-06-2018 / 24-11-2020)

Project Team of INESC Coimbra: Teresa Gomes, José Craveirinha, Lúcia Martins, Rita Girão Silva, João Clímaco, Álvaro Gomes, Paulo Melo, Luísa Jorge, Marta Pascoal, Dorabella Santos

Date of approval: 19-03-2018

Dates start/end: 22-06-2018 / 21-06-2021 – Extended to 31-12-2021

Total Eligible Cost: 239 387.06€

EU Financial Support: 203 479.00€

National Financial Support: 35 908.06€

Project Code: CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-029312

Region of intervention: Center

Beneficiaries: INESC Coimbra – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra and Instituto de Telecomunicações

Copromotor:  Instituto de Telecomunicações

Project Team of Instituto de Telecomunicações: Amaro de Sousa, Agostinho Agra, Fábio Barbosa.


Telecommunication networks support many essential services (e.g. smart grid communications, emergency services) and they are one of the critical infrastructures that our society depends on. Thus, communication networks must have high reliability and resilience, that is, high capacity to maintain acceptable levels of service in the face of failures and other challenges to its operation. Network resilience can be improved through prevention, network design and traffic management and restoration, so as to make a network fault (almost) unnoticeable to users. In natural disaster scenarios, providing critical services is of the utmost importance. Therefore, from a service provider’s perspective, there is a need to support multiple quality of resilience (QoR) classes in a fashion similar to quality of service (QoS) classes.

For improving the availability of critical services, the approach to resilient networks design will explore a technique based on improving the availability of some of the elements in the physical layer of the network “designated as spine” which will allow to achieve the desired availability at a reduced cost. The impact of this approach in the network performance (e.g. network capacity and services availability) will have to be assessed by a mapping between the physical layer and the services layer of the network, taking advantage of the multilayer network management flexibility given by the Software Defined Networking (SDN). In particular, transport SDN (T-SDN) seeks to automate the transport network management, solving the cross-layer communication problem in the presence of faults.

In the aftermath of natural disasters, geodiverse routing is extremely important, so as to guarantee that faults occurring in the network due to disasters in a certain geographical area may be compensated by the use of other network elements in distinct geographical areas. In this context, a useful concept is that of Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG), a set of network links that share a common risk of failure.

This project relies on four main aspects: a) a strategy for improving the network availability at low cost, namely by considering a spine, and taking into account the multilayered network and the introduction of the SDN; b) the definition of risk groups in multilayered networks; c) the definition of regions especially vulnerable to natural disasters and their impact on the routing planning and design; d) the smart grid communications as a critical service.

The problems to be tackled (multi-layer mapping, use of T-SDN, the design of a high availability structure in the physical layer, the calculation of geodiverse SRLG-disjoint paths) are intrinsically multicriteria. Hence, these problems will be addressed first by using a single criterion approach (with constraints), followed by a multicriteria approach. Finally the performance of the proposed models for resilient network design and routing will be experimentally evaluated.

Scholarships at INESC Coimbra:

– Luís Miguel Miranda Almeida (Start: April 2019; Duration 3 months)

-João Pedro Vidal Santos (Start: April 2019 ; Duration: 23 months)

Scholarships at IT Aveiro:

– Pedro José Jorge Barata Nunes (Start: March 2020 ; Duration: 6 months)


Book Chapters

  1.  J. Clímaco, J. Craveirinha, L. Martins, Comparison of routing methods in telecommunication networks – an overview and a new proposal using a multicriteria approach dealing with imprecise information. Chapter in New Perspectives in Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Editor M. Doumpos, J.R. Figueira, S. Greco, C. Zopounidis, pp. 397-427, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019.  DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-11482-4_16
  2. J. Clímaco, J. Craveirinha. MCDA/M in Telecommunication Networks – challenges and trends. “Advanced Studies in Multi-Criteria Decision Making”, Chapter 2. Editors: Sarah Ben Amor, Adiel T. de Almeida, João Miranda, Emel Aktas. Chapman and Hall/CRC, CRC-Press, Taylor and Francis, New York, 2020.  DOI: 10.1201/9781315181363  eBook Published: 11 December 2019.
  3. A. de Sousa, D. Santos. Vulnerability Evaluation of Networks to Multiple Failures based on Critical Nodes and Links. In J. Rak and D. Hutchison (Editors), “Guide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks”, Chapter 3, pages 63-86. Computer Communications and Networks, Springer International Publishing, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-44685-7_3
  4. A. de Sousa, J. Rak, F. Barbosa, D. Santos, D. Mehta. Improving the Survivability of Carrier Networks to Large-scale Disasters. In J. Rak and D. Hutchison (Editors), “Guide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks”, Chapter 7, pages 175-192. Computer Communications and Networks, Springer, Cham, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-44685-7_7
  5. A. de Sousa, D. Santos, C. Natalino, L. Wosinska, C. Mas-Machuca, M. Furdek. Structural Methods to Improve the Robustness of Anycast Communications to Large-Scale Failures. In J. Rak and D. Hutchison (Editors), “Guide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks”, Chapter 16, pages 401-425. Computer Communications and Networks, Springer, Cham, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-44685-7_16
  6. T. Gomes, L. Jorge, R. Girão-Silva, J. Yallouz, P. Babarczi, J. Rak. Fundamental Schemes to Determine Disjoint Paths for Multiple Failure Scenarios. In J. Rak and D. Hutchison (Editors), “Guide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks”, Chapter 17, pages 429-453. Computer Communications and Networks, Springer, Cham, 2020. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-44685-7_17;
  7. T. Gomes, D. Santos, R. Girão-Silva, L. Martins, B. Nedic, M. Gunkel, B.Vass, J. Tapolcai, J. Rak. Disaster-Resilient Routing Schemes for Regional Failures. In J. Rak and D. Hutchison (Editors), “Guide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks”, Chapter 19, pages 483-506. Computer Communications and Networks, Springer, Cham, 2020. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-44685-7_19 ;
  8.  T. Gomes, L. Martins, R. Girão-Silva, D. Tipper, A. Pasic, B.Vass, L. Garrote, U. J. Nunes, M. Zachariasen, J. Rak. Enhancing Availability for Critical Services. In J. Rak and D. Hutchison (Editors), “Guide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks”, Chapter 22, pages 557-581. Computer Communications and Networks, Springer, Cham, 2020. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-44685-7_22
  9. J. Craveirinha, J. Clímaco, R. Girão-Silva. Mathematical based models for group decision support in telecommunication network design and management – challenges and trends. In Tomasz Szapiro and Janusz Kacprzyk, editors, Collective Decisions: Theory, Algorithms And Decision Support Systems, volume 392 of Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, chapter 10, pages 215-246. Springer, Cham, 2022. Special volume in memoriam of Professor Gregory Kersten.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-84997-9_10

Papers Published in International Journals

  1.  A. de Sousa, T. Gomes, R. Girão-Silva, L. Martins,  Minimization of the network availability upgrade cost with geodiverse routing for disaster resilience,  Optical Switching and Networking, Volume 31, 127-143, 2019, ISSN 1573-4277. DOI: 10.1016/j.osn.2018.10.003

  2. M. M. B. Pascoal, J. C. N. Clímaco. On a relaxed maximally disjoint path pair problem: A bicriteria approach. International Transactions in Operational Research, 27(4):2045-2063, July 2020. Special Issue: Efficiency in Education, Health and Other Public Services. DOI: 10.1111/itor.12624

  3. C. Francisco, L. Martins, D. Medhi. Dynamic Multicriteria Alternative Routing for single- and multi-service reservation-oriented networks and its performance, Annals of Telecommunications, Volume 7(11-12): 697-715, December 2019. First Online: 29 May 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s12243-019-00715-9

  4. B. Nogueira, R. Mendes, L. Martins, T. Gomes, R. Girão-Silva, J. Santos, T. Cinkler, “Regeneration and grooming in MPLS over WDM networks,” J. Opt. Commun. Netw. 11, 465-477, 2019. DOI: 10.1364/JOCN.11.00046

  5. D. Santos, A. De Sousa, C. Mas Machuca, “The controller placement problem for robust SDNs against malicious node attacks considering the control plane with and without split-brain”. Annals of Telecommunications,  74(9-10):575-591, October 2019.
    DOI: 10.1007/s12243-019-00725-7

  6. A. Alashaikh, D. Tipper, T. Gomes. “Embedded network design to support availability differentiation”. Annals of Telecommunication, Volume 74(9-10):605-623, October 2019.  DOI: 10.1007/s12243-019-00730-w ., For Visualization: Online First 16 August 2019.

  7. R. Girão-Silva, B. Nedic, M. Gunkel, T. Gomes. Shared Risk Link Group disjointness and geodiverse routing: A trade-off between benefit and practical effort. Networks, 75(4):374-391, June 2020.  Special Issue: Special Issue on Resilience of Communication Networks to Random Failures and Disasters .DOI: 10.1002/net.21931

  8. F. Barbosa, A. de Sousa, A. Agra. Design/upgrade of a transparent optical network topology resilient to the simultaneous failure of its critical nodes. Networks, 75(4):356-373, June 2020.  Special Issue: Special Issue on Resilience of Communication Networks to Random Failures and Disasters . DOI:;

  9. A. Pašić, R. Girão-Silva, F. Mogyorósi, B. Vass, T. Gomes, P. Babarczi, P. Revisnyei, J. Tapolcai,  J Rak. eFRADIR: An Enhanced FRAmework for DIsaster Resilience. IEEE Access, 9:13125–13148, 2021 . DOI:

  10. D. Santos, T. Gomes, D. Tipper. SDN controller placement with availability upgrade under delay and geodiversity constraints. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 18(1):301–314, March  2021. Special Issue on Advanced Management of Softwarized Networks. DOI:

  11. J. Rak, R. Girão-Silva, T. Gomes, G. Ellinas, B. Kantarci, M. Tornatore. Disaster Resilience of Optical Networks: State of the Art, Challenges, and Opportunities. Optical Switching and Networking, 42, article number 100619, November 2021.  DOI:

  12. D. Santos, A. de Sousa, C. Mas-Machuca, J. Rak. Assessment of connectivity-based resilience to attacks against multiple nodes in SDNs. IEEE Access, 9:58266–58286, 2021. DOI:

  13. O. Ayoub, A. de Sousa, S. Mendieta, F. Musumeci, M. Tornatore, Online Virtual Machine Evacuation for Disaster Resilience in Inter-Data Center Networks, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 1990 – 2001, June 2021. DOI:

  14. D. Santos, T. Gomes. Joint optimization of primary and backup controller placement and availability link upgrade in SDN networks. Optical Switching and Networking, Vol. 42, paper 100634, 2021. DOI:

  15. F. Barbosa, A. de Sousa, A. Agra, K. Walkowiak, R. Goścień. RMSA algorithms resilient to multiple node failures in dynamic EONs. Optical Switching and Networking, 42:100633, Nov. 2021. RNDM’2019 Special Issue.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.osn.2021.100633

  16. F. Barbosa, A. Agra, A. de Sousa. The minimum cost network upgrade problem with maximum robustness to multiple node failures. Computers & Operations Research, 136:105453, Dec. 2021.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2021.105453

  17. M. Pascoal, J. Craveirinha, J. Clímaco. An exact lexicographic approach for the maximally risk-disjoint/minimal cost path pair problem in telecommunication networks. TOP, vol. 30, n. 2, pp. 405-425, July 2022 (Published online: 14 September 2021).
    DOI: 10.1007/s11750-021-00619-9

  18. A. Moghanni, M. Pascoal, M. T. Godinho. Finding K shortest and dissimilar paths. International Transactions in Operational Research, 29(3):1573:1601 (First published: 25 September 2021).
    DOI: 10.1111/itor.13060

  19. L. Martins, D. Santos, T. Gomes, R. Girão-Silva. Determining the Minimum Cost Steiner Tree for Delay Constrained Problems. IEEE Access, Vol. 9, pp. 144927-144939, 2021.  DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3122024

Papers Published in International Conference Proceedings

  1. B. Nedic, M. Gunkel, T. Gomes, R. Girão-Silva. SRLG-disjointness and geodiverse routing – a practical network study and operational conclusions. 10th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Longyearbyen – Svalbard (Spitsbergen), Norway, August 27-29, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/RNDM.2018.8489808
  2. A. Pasic, R. Girão-Silva, B. Vass, T. Gomes, P. Babarczi. FRADIR: A Novel Framework for Disaster Resilience. 10th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Longyearbyen – Svalbard (Spitsbergen), Norway, August 27-29, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/RNDM.2018.8489828
  3. F. Barbosa, A. de Sousa, A. Agra. Topology Design of Transparent Optical Networks Resilient to Multiple Node Failures. 10th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Longyearbyen – Svalbard (Spitsbergen), Norway, August 27-29, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/RNDM.2018.8489825 (RNDM 2018 Best Paper Award)
  4. D. Santos, A. de Sousa, C. Mas Machuca. Combined Control and Data Plane Robustness of SDN Networks against Malicious Node Attacks. 14th International Conference on Networks and Service Management (CNSM), Rome, Italy, November 5-9, 2018.
  5. R. Girão-Silva, L. Martins, T. Gomes, D. Tipper, A. S. Alashaikh. Heuristic Approach for the Design of a High Availability Structure. 15th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2019), Coimbra, Portugal, March 19-21, 2019.  DOI: 10.1109/DRCN.2019.8713673
  6. A. de Sousa, D. Santos. The Minimum Cost D-Geodiverse Anycast Routing with Optimal Selection of Anycast Nodes. 15th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2019), Coimbra, Portugal, March 19-21, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/DRCN.2019.8713729
  7. L. Garrote, L. Martins, U. Nunes, M. Zachariasen. Weighted Euclidean Steiner Trees for Disaster-Aware Network Design. Special Session on Disaster Resilience of Communication Networks. 15th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2019), Coimbra, Portugal, March 19-21, 2019.DOI: 10.1109/DRCN.2019.8713664
  8. F. Barbosa, A. de Sousa, A. Agra. Evaluation and Design of Elastic Optical Networks Resilient to Multiple Node Failures. Special Session on Disaster Resilience of Communication Networks. 15th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2019), Coimbra, Portugal, March 19-21, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/DRCN.2019.8713761
  9. D. Santos, T. Gomes. Controller Placement and Availability Link Upgrade Problem in SDN Networks. 11th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Nicosia, Cyprus, October 14-16, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/RNDM48015.2019.8949109
  10.  F. Barbosa, A. de Sousa, A. Agra, K. Walkowiak, R. Goscien. A RMSA Algorithm Resilient to Multiple Node Failures on Elastic Optical Networks. 11th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Nicosia, Cyprus, October 14-16,  2019. DOI: 10.1109/RNDM48015.2019.8949141
  11. A. Pasic, R. Girão-Silva, B. Vass, T. Gomes, F. Mogyorosi, P. Babarczi, J. Tapolcai. FRADIR-II: An Improved Framework for Disaster Resilience. 11th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Nicosia, Cyprus, October 14-16,  2019. DOI: 10.1109/RNDM48015.2019.8949142
  12. L. Almeida, T. Gomes, C. Henggeler Antunes. Optimization of PMU Location and Communications in a Power Grid. Special Session on Disaster-resilience of Communication Networks. 11th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Nicosia, Cyprus, October 14-16, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/RNDM48015.2019.8949117
  13. R. Girão-Silva, T. Gomes, L. Martins, D. Tipper, A. Alashaikh. A centrality-based heuristic for network design to support availability differentiation. 16th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2020), Milan, Italy, March 25-27, 2020, pp. 1-7. DOI:
  14.  D. Santos, T. Gomes, D. Tipper. Software-Defined Network Design driven by Availability Requirements. 16th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2020), Milan, Italy, March 25-27, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/DRCN48652.2020.1570604282
  15.  A. de Sousa. Improving the Connectivity Resilience of a Telecommunications Network to Multiple Link Failures Through a Third-Party Network. 16th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2020), Milan, Italy, March 25-27, 2020, pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/DRCN48652.2020.1570613461
  16. D. Santos, J. P. Vidal, T. Gomes, L. Martins, A Heuristic Method for Controller Placement and Enhanced Availability between SDN Controllers, 11th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF 2020), Bordeaux, France, October 12-14, 2020, pp. 82-90. DOI:
  17. P. Melo, L. Jorge, T. Gomes. “Failure Simulation in Software-Defined Networks with Differential Link Availability”. 17th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), Milão, Itália, abril 19-22, 2021 – on-line. DOI:
  18. D. Santos, J. P. Vidal, T. Gomes and L. Martins, “Improving East/Westbound SDN Connectivity via Enhanced Availability”. 12th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF), Coimbra, Portugal (Virtual) 06-08 Oct., 2021, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1109/NoF52522.2021.9609898
  19. M. Mycek, M. Pióro, A. Tomaszewski, A. de Sousa. Optimizing primary and backup SDN controllers’ placement resilient to node-targeted attacks. In2021 17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), pages397–401, Izmir, Turkey, 25-29 Oct. 2021. DOI: 10.23919/CNSM52442.2021.9615578

Oral Presentations in International  Conferences (without Proceedings)

  1. M. Pascoal, J. Clímaco. Finding shortest pairs of paths with the fewest shared labels. 29th European Conference on Operations Research (EURO), Valencia, Spain, July 2018.
  2.  M. Pascoal, J. Clímaco. Pairs of paths determination aiming to minimize the number of common arc labels and the cost algorithms. The XIX CLAIO, the Latin-Iberoamerican Conference on Operations Research, Lima, Peru, September, 2018.
  3. F. Barbosa, A. de Sousa, A. Agra. Topology Design of Optical Networks Resilient to Multiple Node Failures. International Network Optimization Conference (INOC), Avignon, France, June 12-14, 2019.
  4. M. Pascoal, J. Clímaco, J. Craveirinha. A bi-criteria approach to find shortest and maximally SRLG-disjoint path pairs – computational experiments. 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 30th), Dublin, Ireland, June 23-26, 2019.

Papers Published in National Conference Proceedings

  1. F. Barbosa, A. Agra, A. de Sousa. Critical Node Detection with Connectivity based on Bounded Path Lengths. Proceedings of XIX Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional (IO2018), Aveiro, Portugal, September 2018. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 2019. ISSN: 2194-1009
  2. A. Moghanni, M. Pascoal M. (2021) The Rough Interval Shortest Path Problem. In: Relvas S., Almeida J.P., Oliveira J.F., Pinto A.A. (eds) Operational Research. APDIO 2019. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 374, pages 53-64. Springer, Cham.

Oral Presentations in National Conferences (without Proceedings)

  1. M. Pascoal. Solving the linear fractional assignment problem. XIX Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional, Aveiro, Portugal, September 2018.
  2. Teresa Gomes, Boro Nedic, Matthias Gunkel, Rita Girão Silva. A practical network study and operational conclusions on SRLG-disjointness and geodiverse routing. Encontro Ciência 2019, Lisboa, Portugal, julho 9-11, 2019.

Other Actions for Dissemination of Results

  1. An interview on Projeto ResNeD was published in: Diário de Notícias (14/01/2019), Diário de Coimbra (15/01/2019), Diário as Beiras (15/01/2019).
  2. Training School on Design of Disaster-resilient Communication Networks, Brussels, Belgium, December 10-11, 2019 (Session 2).
  3. ResNeD Workshop Program at NoF 2021
    8:30 – 8:45 Opening Session by José Craveirinha and Rita Girão-Silva
    8:45 – 9:30 Keynote #1
    Title: New Challenges and Solutions to Network Resilience: A Practical Approach
    Speaker: Jorge Carapinha (Altice Labs, Portugal)
    9:30 – 10:15 Session Presentations
    Title: Improving network resilience for enhanced availability in fault scenarios
    Speaker: Teresa Gomes, University of Coimbra, Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers at Coimbra, Portugal
    Title: Methods for improving network resilience against multiple node failures
    Speaker: Amaro de Sousa, University of Aveiro, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
    10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break
    10:30 – 11:15 Keynote #2
    Title: Designing and Operating Content Aggregation & Content Delivery Networks in scenarios of high availability and high resilience – A Broadcasting perspective of the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games
    Speaker: Mario Reis (Director of Telecommunications & OTT at Olympic Broadcasting Services)
    11:15 – 12:00 Keynote #3
    Title: Towards Structural Resilience of Next Generation Cellular Networks
    Speaker: David Tipper (University of Pittsburgh, USA)


MSc Thesis

  1. João Pedro Vidal Santos. Localização de Agregadores de dados em redes elétricas inteligentes. Feb/2019, Master’s thesis, University of Coimbra, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,. Supervisors: Carlos Henggeler Antunes and Teresa Gomes
  2. Luís Miguel Miranda Almeida. Optimização da Localização e Comunicações de PMUs em Redes de Energia Eléctrica. Jul/2019, Master’s thesis, University of Coimbra, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,. Supervisors: Carlos Henggeler Antunes and Teresa Gomes.
  3. Octávio do Nascimento Carvalho, Falhas em Cascata. Sep/2019, Master’s thesis, University of Coimbra, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,. Supervisor: Lúcia Martins,
  4. Pedro José Jorge Barata Nunes.  Métodos de melhoria da disponibilidade e da resiliência a desastres em redes de telecomunicações. Master’s thesis, Departamento de Eletrónica, Telecomunicações e Informática, Universidade de Aveiro, Jul. 2020. Supervisor: Amaro de Sousa.
  5. Rúben André Martins Gonçalves. Estudo de estratégias de configuração de uma rede MPLS com Fast-Reroute. Master’s thesis, University of Coimbra, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Nov. 2021.Supervisor: Lúcia Martins.

PhD Thesis

  1. Catarina Isabel Dinis Francisco, A study on Multiobjective Dynamic Alternative Routing. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Coimbra. Submitted February, 2021. Approved on the 22nd of December,  2021. Supervisor: Lúcia Maria dos Reis Albuquerque Martins.
  2. Fábio Daniel Moreira Barbosa, Disaster-resilient Network Design and Resource Management of Elastic Optical Networks, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Aveiro. Submitted on the 29th October, 2021. Approved on the 14th of January, 2022. Supervisors: Amaro de Sousa and Agostinho Agra.

Title: ResNeD – Resilient Network Design – enhancing availability for critical services 

Coordinators at INESCC:  José Craveirinha (25-11-2020); Teresa Gomes  (22-06-2018 / 24-11-2020)

Co-Coordinator: Rita Girão-Silva (25-11-2020);  José Craveirinha (22-06-2018 / 24-11-2020)

Project Team of INESC Coimbra: Teresa Gomes, José Craveirinha, Lúcia Martins, Rita Girão Silva, João Clímaco, Álvaro Gomes, Paulo Melo, Luísa Jorge, Marta Pascoal, Dorabella Santos

Date of approval: 19-03-2018

Dates start/end: 22-06-2018 / 21-06-2021 – Extended to 31-12-2021

Total Eligible Cost: 239 387.06€

EU Financial Support: 203 479.00€

National Financial Support: 35 908.06€

Project Code: CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-029312

Region of intervention: Center

Beneficiaries: INESC Coimbra – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra and Instituto de Telecomunicações

Copromotor:  Instituto de Telecomunicações

Project Team of Instituto de Telecomunicações: Amaro de Sousa, Agostinho Agra, Fábio Barbosa.


Telecommunication networks support many essential services (e.g. smart grid communications, emergency services) and they are one of the critical infrastructures that our society depends on. Thus, communication networks must have high reliability and resilience, that is, high capacity to maintain acceptable levels of service in the face of failures and other challenges to its operation. Network resilience can be improved through prevention, network design and traffic management and restoration, so as to make a network fault (almost) unnoticeable to users. In natural disaster scenarios, providing critical services is of the utmost importance. Therefore, from a service provider’s perspective, there is a need to support multiple quality of resilience (QoR) classes in a fashion similar to quality of service (QoS) classes.

For improving the availability of critical services, the approach to resilient networks design will explore a technique based on improving the availability of some of the elements in the physical layer of the network “designated as spine” which will allow to achieve the desired availability at a reduced cost. The impact of this approach in the network performance (e.g. network capacity and services availability) will have to be assessed by a mapping between the physical layer and the services layer of the network, taking advantage of the multilayer network management flexibility given by the Software Defined Networking (SDN). In particular, transport SDN (T-SDN) seeks to automate the transport network management, solving the cross-layer communication problem in the presence of faults.

In the aftermath of natural disasters, geodiverse routing is extremely important, so as to guarantee that faults occurring in the network due to disasters in a certain geographical area may be compensated by the use of other network elements in distinct geographical areas. In this context, a useful concept is that of Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG), a set of network links that share a common risk of failure.

This project relies on four main aspects: a) a strategy for improving the network availability at low cost, namely by considering a spine, and taking into account the multilayered network and the introduction of the SDN; b) the definition of risk groups in multilayered networks; c) the definition of regions especially vulnerable to natural disasters and their impact on the routing planning and design; d) the smart grid communications as a critical service.

The problems to be tackled (multi-layer mapping, use of T-SDN, the design of a high availability structure in the physical layer, the calculation of geodiverse SRLG-disjoint paths) are intrinsically multicriteria. Hence, these problems will be addressed first by using a single criterion approach (with constraints), followed by a multicriteria approach. Finally the performance of the proposed models for resilient network design and routing will be experimentally evaluated.

Scholarships at INESC Coimbra:

– Luís Miguel Miranda Almeida (Start: April 2019; Duration 3 months)

-João Pedro Vidal Santos (Start: April 2019 ; Duration: 23 months)

Scholarships at IT Aveiro:

– Pedro José Jorge Barata Nunes (Start: March 2020 ; Duration: 6 months)


Book Chapters

  1.  J. Clímaco, J. Craveirinha, L. Martins, Comparison of routing methods in telecommunication networks – an overview and a new proposal using a multicriteria approach dealing with imprecise information. Chapter in New Perspectives in Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Editor M. Doumpos, J.R. Figueira, S. Greco, C. Zopounidis, pp. 397-427, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019.  DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-11482-4_16
  2. J. Clímaco, J. Craveirinha. MCDA/M in Telecommunication Networks – challenges and trends. “Advanced Studies in Multi-Criteria Decision Making”, Chapter 2. Editors: Sarah Ben Amor, Adiel T. de Almeida, João Miranda, Emel Aktas. Chapman and Hall/CRC, CRC-Press, Taylor and Francis, New York, 2020.  DOI: 10.1201/9781315181363  eBook Published: 11 December 2019.
  3. A. de Sousa, D. Santos. Vulnerability Evaluation of Networks to Multiple Failures based on Critical Nodes and Links. In J. Rak and D. Hutchison (Editors), “Guide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks”, Chapter 3, pages 63-86. Computer Communications and Networks, Springer International Publishing, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-44685-7_3
  4. A. de Sousa, J. Rak, F. Barbosa, D. Santos, D. Mehta. Improving the Survivability of Carrier Networks to Large-scale Disasters. In J. Rak and D. Hutchison (Editors), “Guide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks”, Chapter 7, pages 175-192. Computer Communications and Networks, Springer, Cham, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-44685-7_7
  5. A. de Sousa, D. Santos, C. Natalino, L. Wosinska, C. Mas-Machuca, M. Furdek. Structural Methods to Improve the Robustness of Anycast Communications to Large-Scale Failures. In J. Rak and D. Hutchison (Editors), “Guide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks”, Chapter 16, pages 401-425. Computer Communications and Networks, Springer, Cham, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-44685-7_16
  6. T. Gomes, L. Jorge, R. Girão-Silva, J. Yallouz, P. Babarczi, J. Rak. Fundamental Schemes to Determine Disjoint Paths for Multiple Failure Scenarios. In J. Rak and D. Hutchison (Editors), “Guide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks”, Chapter 17, pages 429-453. Computer Communications and Networks, Springer, Cham, 2020. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-44685-7_17;
  7. T. Gomes, D. Santos, R. Girão-Silva, L. Martins, B. Nedic, M. Gunkel, B.Vass, J. Tapolcai, J. Rak. Disaster-Resilient Routing Schemes for Regional Failures. In J. Rak and D. Hutchison (Editors), “Guide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks”, Chapter 19, pages 483-506. Computer Communications and Networks, Springer, Cham, 2020. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-44685-7_19 ;
  8.  T. Gomes, L. Martins, R. Girão-Silva, D. Tipper, A. Pasic, B.Vass, L. Garrote, U. J. Nunes, M. Zachariasen, J. Rak. Enhancing Availability for Critical Services. In J. Rak and D. Hutchison (Editors), “Guide to Disaster-Resilient Communication Networks”, Chapter 22, pages 557-581. Computer Communications and Networks, Springer, Cham, 2020. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-44685-7_22
  9. J. Craveirinha, J. Clímaco, R. Girão-Silva. Mathematical based models for group decision support in telecommunication network design and management – challenges and trends. In Tomasz Szapiro and Janusz Kacprzyk, editors, Collective Decisions: Theory, Algorithms And Decision Support Systems, volume 392 of Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, chapter 10, pages 215-246. Springer, Cham, 2022. Special volume in memoriam of Professor Gregory Kersten.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-84997-9_10

Papers Published in International Journals

  1.  A. de Sousa, T. Gomes, R. Girão-Silva, L. Martins,  Minimization of the network availability upgrade cost with geodiverse routing for disaster resilience,  Optical Switching and Networking, Volume 31, 127-143, 2019, ISSN 1573-4277. DOI: 10.1016/j.osn.2018.10.003

  2. M. M. B. Pascoal, J. C. N. Clímaco. On a relaxed maximally disjoint path pair problem: A bicriteria approach. International Transactions in Operational Research, 27(4):2045-2063, July 2020. Special Issue: Efficiency in Education, Health and Other Public Services. DOI: 10.1111/itor.12624

  3. C. Francisco, L. Martins, D. Medhi. Dynamic Multicriteria Alternative Routing for single- and multi-service reservation-oriented networks and its performance, Annals of Telecommunications, Volume 7(11-12): 697-715, December 2019. First Online: 29 May 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s12243-019-00715-9

  4. B. Nogueira, R. Mendes, L. Martins, T. Gomes, R. Girão-Silva, J. Santos, T. Cinkler, “Regeneration and grooming in MPLS over WDM networks,” J. Opt. Commun. Netw. 11, 465-477, 2019. DOI: 10.1364/JOCN.11.00046

  5. D. Santos, A. De Sousa, C. Mas Machuca, “The controller placement problem for robust SDNs against malicious node attacks considering the control plane with and without split-brain”. Annals of Telecommunications,  74(9-10):575-591, October 2019.
    DOI: 10.1007/s12243-019-00725-7

  6. A. Alashaikh, D. Tipper, T. Gomes. “Embedded network design to support availability differentiation”. Annals of Telecommunication, Volume 74(9-10):605-623, October 2019.  DOI: 10.1007/s12243-019-00730-w ., For Visualization: Online First 16 August 2019.

  7. R. Girão-Silva, B. Nedic, M. Gunkel, T. Gomes. Shared Risk Link Group disjointness and geodiverse routing: A trade-off between benefit and practical effort. Networks, 75(4):374-391, June 2020.  Special Issue: Special Issue on Resilience of Communication Networks to Random Failures and Disasters .DOI: 10.1002/net.21931

  8. F. Barbosa, A. de Sousa, A. Agra. Design/upgrade of a transparent optical network topology resilient to the simultaneous failure of its critical nodes. Networks, 75(4):356-373, June 2020.  Special Issue: Special Issue on Resilience of Communication Networks to Random Failures and Disasters . DOI:;

  9. A. Pašić, R. Girão-Silva, F. Mogyorósi, B. Vass, T. Gomes, P. Babarczi, P. Revisnyei, J. Tapolcai,  J Rak. eFRADIR: An Enhanced FRAmework for DIsaster Resilience. IEEE Access, 9:13125–13148, 2021 . DOI:

  10. D. Santos, T. Gomes, D. Tipper. SDN controller placement with availability upgrade under delay and geodiversity constraints. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 18(1):301–314, March  2021. Special Issue on Advanced Management of Softwarized Networks. DOI:

  11. J. Rak, R. Girão-Silva, T. Gomes, G. Ellinas, B. Kantarci, M. Tornatore. Disaster Resilience of Optical Networks: State of the Art, Challenges, and Opportunities. Optical Switching and Networking, 42, article number 100619, November 2021.  DOI:

  12. D. Santos, A. de Sousa, C. Mas-Machuca, J. Rak. Assessment of connectivity-based resilience to attacks against multiple nodes in SDNs. IEEE Access, 9:58266–58286, 2021. DOI:

  13. O. Ayoub, A. de Sousa, S. Mendieta, F. Musumeci, M. Tornatore, Online Virtual Machine Evacuation for Disaster Resilience in Inter-Data Center Networks, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 1990 – 2001, June 2021. DOI:

  14. D. Santos, T. Gomes. Joint optimization of primary and backup controller placement and availability link upgrade in SDN networks. Optical Switching and Networking, Vol. 42, paper 100634, 2021. DOI:

  15. F. Barbosa, A. de Sousa, A. Agra, K. Walkowiak, R. Goścień. RMSA algorithms resilient to multiple node failures in dynamic EONs. Optical Switching and Networking, 42:100633, Nov. 2021. RNDM’2019 Special Issue.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.osn.2021.100633

  16. F. Barbosa, A. Agra, A. de Sousa. The minimum cost network upgrade problem with maximum robustness to multiple node failures. Computers & Operations Research, 136:105453, Dec. 2021.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2021.105453

  17. M. Pascoal, J. Craveirinha, J. Clímaco. An exact lexicographic approach for the maximally risk-disjoint/minimal cost path pair problem in telecommunication networks. TOP, vol. 30, n. 2, pp. 405-425, July 2022 (Published online: 14 September 2021).
    DOI: 10.1007/s11750-021-00619-9

  18. A. Moghanni, M. Pascoal, M. T. Godinho. Finding K shortest and dissimilar paths. International Transactions in Operational Research, 29(3):1573:1601 (First published: 25 September 2021).
    DOI: 10.1111/itor.13060

  19. L. Martins, D. Santos, T. Gomes, R. Girão-Silva. Determining the Minimum Cost Steiner Tree for Delay Constrained Problems. IEEE Access, Vol. 9, pp. 144927-144939, 2021.  DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3122024

Papers Published in International Conference Proceedings

  1. B. Nedic, M. Gunkel, T. Gomes, R. Girão-Silva. SRLG-disjointness and geodiverse routing – a practical network study and operational conclusions. 10th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Longyearbyen – Svalbard (Spitsbergen), Norway, August 27-29, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/RNDM.2018.8489808
  2. A. Pasic, R. Girão-Silva, B. Vass, T. Gomes, P. Babarczi. FRADIR: A Novel Framework for Disaster Resilience. 10th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Longyearbyen – Svalbard (Spitsbergen), Norway, August 27-29, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/RNDM.2018.8489828
  3. F. Barbosa, A. de Sousa, A. Agra. Topology Design of Transparent Optical Networks Resilient to Multiple Node Failures. 10th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Longyearbyen – Svalbard (Spitsbergen), Norway, August 27-29, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/RNDM.2018.8489825 (RNDM 2018 Best Paper Award)
  4. D. Santos, A. de Sousa, C. Mas Machuca. Combined Control and Data Plane Robustness of SDN Networks against Malicious Node Attacks. 14th International Conference on Networks and Service Management (CNSM), Rome, Italy, November 5-9, 2018.
  5. R. Girão-Silva, L. Martins, T. Gomes, D. Tipper, A. S. Alashaikh. Heuristic Approach for the Design of a High Availability Structure. 15th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2019), Coimbra, Portugal, March 19-21, 2019.  DOI: 10.1109/DRCN.2019.8713673
  6. A. de Sousa, D. Santos. The Minimum Cost D-Geodiverse Anycast Routing with Optimal Selection of Anycast Nodes. 15th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2019), Coimbra, Portugal, March 19-21, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/DRCN.2019.8713729
  7. L. Garrote, L. Martins, U. Nunes, M. Zachariasen. Weighted Euclidean Steiner Trees for Disaster-Aware Network Design. Special Session on Disaster Resilience of Communication Networks. 15th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2019), Coimbra, Portugal, March 19-21, 2019.DOI: 10.1109/DRCN.2019.8713664
  8. F. Barbosa, A. de Sousa, A. Agra. Evaluation and Design of Elastic Optical Networks Resilient to Multiple Node Failures. Special Session on Disaster Resilience of Communication Networks. 15th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2019), Coimbra, Portugal, March 19-21, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/DRCN.2019.8713761
  9. D. Santos, T. Gomes. Controller Placement and Availability Link Upgrade Problem in SDN Networks. 11th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Nicosia, Cyprus, October 14-16, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/RNDM48015.2019.8949109
  10.  F. Barbosa, A. de Sousa, A. Agra, K. Walkowiak, R. Goscien. A RMSA Algorithm Resilient to Multiple Node Failures on Elastic Optical Networks. 11th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Nicosia, Cyprus, October 14-16,  2019. DOI: 10.1109/RNDM48015.2019.8949141
  11. A. Pasic, R. Girão-Silva, B. Vass, T. Gomes, F. Mogyorosi, P. Babarczi, J. Tapolcai. FRADIR-II: An Improved Framework for Disaster Resilience. 11th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Nicosia, Cyprus, October 14-16,  2019. DOI: 10.1109/RNDM48015.2019.8949142
  12. L. Almeida, T. Gomes, C. Henggeler Antunes. Optimization of PMU Location and Communications in a Power Grid. Special Session on Disaster-resilience of Communication Networks. 11th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM), Nicosia, Cyprus, October 14-16, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/RNDM48015.2019.8949117
  13. R. Girão-Silva, T. Gomes, L. Martins, D. Tipper, A. Alashaikh. A centrality-based heuristic for network design to support availability differentiation. 16th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2020), Milan, Italy, March 25-27, 2020, pp. 1-7. DOI:
  14.  D. Santos, T. Gomes, D. Tipper. Software-Defined Network Design driven by Availability Requirements. 16th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2020), Milan, Italy, March 25-27, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/DRCN48652.2020.1570604282
  15.  A. de Sousa. Improving the Connectivity Resilience of a Telecommunications Network to Multiple Link Failures Through a Third-Party Network. 16th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2020), Milan, Italy, March 25-27, 2020, pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/DRCN48652.2020.1570613461
  16. D. Santos, J. P. Vidal, T. Gomes, L. Martins, A Heuristic Method for Controller Placement and Enhanced Availability between SDN Controllers, 11th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF 2020), Bordeaux, France, October 12-14, 2020, pp. 82-90. DOI:
  17. P. Melo, L. Jorge, T. Gomes. “Failure Simulation in Software-Defined Networks with Differential Link Availability”. 17th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), Milão, Itália, abril 19-22, 2021 – on-line. DOI:
  18. D. Santos, J. P. Vidal, T. Gomes and L. Martins, “Improving East/Westbound SDN Connectivity via Enhanced Availability”. 12th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF), Coimbra, Portugal (Virtual) 06-08 Oct., 2021, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1109/NoF52522.2021.9609898
  19. M. Mycek, M. Pióro, A. Tomaszewski, A. de Sousa. Optimizing primary and backup SDN controllers’ placement resilient to node-targeted attacks. In2021 17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), pages397–401, Izmir, Turkey, 25-29 Oct. 2021. DOI: 10.23919/CNSM52442.2021.9615578

Oral Presentations in International  Conferences (without Proceedings)

  1. M. Pascoal, J. Clímaco. Finding shortest pairs of paths with the fewest shared labels. 29th European Conference on Operations Research (EURO), Valencia, Spain, July 2018.
  2.  M. Pascoal, J. Clímaco. Pairs of paths determination aiming to minimize the number of common arc labels and the cost algorithms. The XIX CLAIO, the Latin-Iberoamerican Conference on Operations Research, Lima, Peru, September, 2018.
  3. F. Barbosa, A. de Sousa, A. Agra. Topology Design of Optical Networks Resilient to Multiple Node Failures. International Network Optimization Conference (INOC), Avignon, France, June 12-14, 2019.
  4. M. Pascoal, J. Clímaco, J. Craveirinha. A bi-criteria approach to find shortest and maximally SRLG-disjoint path pairs – computational experiments. 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 30th), Dublin, Ireland, June 23-26, 2019.

Papers Published in National Conference Proceedings

  1. F. Barbosa, A. Agra, A. de Sousa. Critical Node Detection with Connectivity based on Bounded Path Lengths. Proceedings of XIX Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional (IO2018), Aveiro, Portugal, September 2018. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 2019. ISSN: 2194-1009
  2. A. Moghanni, M. Pascoal M. (2021) The Rough Interval Shortest Path Problem. In: Relvas S., Almeida J.P., Oliveira J.F., Pinto A.A. (eds) Operational Research. APDIO 2019. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 374, pages 53-64. Springer, Cham.

Oral Presentations in National Conferences (without Proceedings)

  1. M. Pascoal. Solving the linear fractional assignment problem. XIX Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional, Aveiro, Portugal, September 2018.
  2. Teresa Gomes, Boro Nedic, Matthias Gunkel, Rita Girão Silva. A practical network study and operational conclusions on SRLG-disjointness and geodiverse routing. Encontro Ciência 2019, Lisboa, Portugal, julho 9-11, 2019.

Other Actions for Dissemination of Results

  1. An interview on Projeto ResNeD was published in: Diário de Notícias (14/01/2019), Diário de Coimbra (15/01/2019), Diário as Beiras (15/01/2019).
  2. Training School on Design of Disaster-resilient Communication Networks, Brussels, Belgium, December 10-11, 2019 (Session 2).
  3. ResNeD Workshop Program at NoF 2021
    8:30 – 8:45 Opening Session by José Craveirinha and Rita Girão-Silva
    8:45 – 9:30 Keynote #1
    Title: New Challenges and Solutions to Network Resilience: A Practical Approach
    Speaker: Jorge Carapinha (Altice Labs, Portugal)
    9:30 – 10:15 Session Presentations
    Title: Improving network resilience for enhanced availability in fault scenarios
    Speaker: Teresa Gomes, University of Coimbra, Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers at Coimbra, Portugal
    Title: Methods for improving network resilience against multiple node failures
    Speaker: Amaro de Sousa, University of Aveiro, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal
    10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break
    10:30 – 11:15 Keynote #2
    Title: Designing and Operating Content Aggregation & Content Delivery Networks in scenarios of high availability and high resilience – A Broadcasting perspective of the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games
    Speaker: Mario Reis (Director of Telecommunications & OTT at Olympic Broadcasting Services)
    11:15 – 12:00 Keynote #3
    Title: Towards Structural Resilience of Next Generation Cellular Networks
    Speaker: David Tipper (University of Pittsburgh, USA)


MSc Thesis

  1. João Pedro Vidal Santos. Localização de Agregadores de dados em redes elétricas inteligentes. Feb/2019, Master’s thesis, University of Coimbra, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,. Supervisors: Carlos Henggeler Antunes and Teresa Gomes
  2. Luís Miguel Miranda Almeida. Optimização da Localização e Comunicações de PMUs em Redes de Energia Eléctrica. Jul/2019, Master’s thesis, University of Coimbra, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,. Supervisors: Carlos Henggeler Antunes and Teresa Gomes.
  3. Octávio do Nascimento Carvalho, Falhas em Cascata. Sep/2019, Master’s thesis, University of Coimbra, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,. Supervisor: Lúcia Martins,
  4. Pedro José Jorge Barata Nunes.  Métodos de melhoria da disponibilidade e da resiliência a desastres em redes de telecomunicações. Master’s thesis, Departamento de Eletrónica, Telecomunicações e Informática, Universidade de Aveiro, Jul. 2020. Supervisor: Amaro de Sousa.
  5. Rúben André Martins Gonçalves. Estudo de estratégias de configuração de uma rede MPLS com Fast-Reroute. Master’s thesis, University of Coimbra, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Nov. 2021.Supervisor: Lúcia Martins.

PhD Thesis

  1. Catarina Isabel Dinis Francisco, A study on Multiobjective Dynamic Alternative Routing. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Coimbra. Submitted February, 2021. Approved on the 22nd of December,  2021. Supervisor: Lúcia Maria dos Reis Albuquerque Martins.
  2. Fábio Daniel Moreira Barbosa, Disaster-resilient Network Design and Resource Management of Elastic Optical Networks, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Aveiro. Submitted on the 29th October, 2021. Approved on the 14th of January, 2022. Supervisors: Amaro de Sousa and Agostinho Agra.

Title: UAS4Litter – Low-cost Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) for marine litter coastal mapping 

Coordinators at INESCCGil Gonçalves

Co-Coordinators: Ana Filipa da Silva Bessa

Project Team: Ana Filipa Bessa (UC&UC-MARE); Gil Gonçalves (UC&INESCCoimbra); Luísa Gonçalves (IPL&INESC-Coimbra) Paula Sobral (UNL&NOVA.ID-MARE)

Date of approval: 06-07-2018

Dates start/end: 04-10-2018 / 03-10-2021

Total Eligible Cost: 204 967.70€

EU Financial Support:

National Financial Support: 204 967.70€

Project Code: PTDC/EAM-REM/30324/2017

Region of intervention: 

BeneficiariesINESC Coimbra – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra, Universidade de Coimbra, NOVA.ID.FCT – Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT



The amount of Marine Litter (ML) in the marine environment is exponentially growing, with more than 80% being composed by plastic debris. Recent studies estimating that more than 5 million tones can potentially enter the ocean and coastal areas as marine debris. Therefore, understanding the levels of marine pollution in order to mitigate this threat has been one of the main topics for the European agencies that need to be urgently addressed. Since traditional approaches for marine litter monitoring in coastlines are based on visual counts in a limited area (100m transects), which its time consuming and not efficient, novel techniques needs to be developed in order to help track marine litter from the coast. In this context, UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) provide new opportunities for environmental monitoring and research by offering a cost effective aerial platform for autonomous detection, inspection and track survey of marine litter in coastal areas.

The main goal of the project is focused on the development of a UAS-based cost effective integrated system (software and hardware) for mapping and monitoring marine litter. The target area for this development work is the central coast of mainland Portugal (town of Figueira da Foz, three sandy beaches with contrasting levels of marine pollution and urbanization pressures). Two potential solutions will be tested in terms of a relationship of mapping performance, autonomy and price.

This project will provide an integrated approach for the creation of new tools and methods to assess the levels of marine litter in coasts in order to reduce the searching time for monitoring and collection.

The project will pay particular attention to the transfer of knowledge and dissemination of the results to the whole community, including stakeholders, scientists, business, public administrations and civil society. The findings of UAS4Litter will be translated into practical guidance for mapping and monitoring marine litter on coastlines to a wide range of end-users, which is crucial for mitigation of marine litter pollution.

Title: FireLoc – Where’s the Fire? – Identification, positioning and monitoring forest fires with crowdsourced data

Entity: FCT 

Coordinators at INESCC: Cidália Fonte

Dates start/end:


O projeto FireLoc tem como objetivo desenvolver um sistema inovador que permitirá:

  1. a qualquer cidadão com um smartphone comunicar que está a avistar um foco de incêndio, enviando automaticamente as coordenadas da sua localização (local de observação), uma imagem do que observa (fotografia recolhida com o smartphone) e dados que permitem georreferenciar o fenómeno que está a observar (nomeadamente a orientação relativamente ao norte, recolhida automaticamente do smartphone, e a distância aproximada do evento que observa, indicada pelo observador);
  2. para cada contribuição identificar a localização geográfica aproximada do evento observado e o grau de confiança nos dados recebidos, usando informação sobre o voluntário (a credibilidade em função do seu perfil e historial de contribuições) e do que existe no local de observação e da ocorrência (usando informação sobre o uso e ocupação do solo e um modelo digital do terreno);
  3. integrar e processar os dados disponibilizados por todos os cidadãos que contribuem, identificando a localização geográfica e a extensão dos fenómenos observados em tempo quase real.

Title: SUSpENsE – Sustainable built environment under natural hazards and extreme events

Coordinators at INESCC: Carlos Henggeler (coord. Linha 4)

Dates start/end: 1-2017 / 12-2020

Entity: Programas Integrados de IC&DT, CENTRO-45-2015-1, Programa Operacional do Centro, Portugal 2020

Project Code: CENTRO-45-2015-1


Sustainable development constitutes the ultimate challenge for humankind in view of these irreversible climate changes. The built environment is one of the pillars of development as it provides many essential functions for human kind to prosper and survive, such as shelters and the infrastructure for all economic activity. 

This integrated R&D programme proposes to address these problems in a holistic and multi-disciplinary way. It must implement more efficient solutions to satisfy the social requirements (social dimension of sustainability) that are feasible from an economic viewpoint (economic dimension) and greatly reduce the environmental impacts (ecological dimension) with appropriate levels of safety.

Four main focus areas of intervention are defined:

  • Sustainable exploitation of sea resources.
  • Effective implementation of industrialized construction practices.
  • Development of efficient solutions for aquatic ecosystems environmental monitoring, quality assessment, and management.
  • Addressing the major problems of growing urbanization with intensive use of technological solutions and distributed decision support tools to make cities smarter regarding the usage of energy and the offering of innovative mobility systems: Smart Cities.

The research strand on smart cities led by INESC Coimbra is devoted to modelling problems arising in urban contexts, namely dealing with the promotion of efficiency in energy usage in (residential and public) buildings and mobility services, including data integration, demand/supply analysis, and quality of service assessment. Research should lead to designing and developing new integrative methodologies to foster efficiency in the use of resources and effectiveness in the provision of services. 

A foremost challenge to be addressed consists in the integrated design and development of energy and mobility efficiency solutions driven by rich data arising from multiple sources in a (time and space) dynamic context. For this purpose, innovative urban systems modelling tools are needed capable of encompassing multiple, conflicting and incommensurate axes of evaluation of different policies, namely based on system dynamics and operations research tools. Moreover, novel urban “big data” methodologies should be envisioned regarding data representation, collection and processing at diverse temporal and spatial scales in the scope of decision support tools. The aim is empowering citizens regarding the rational use of energy and mobility issues, making a judicious balance between all pillars of sustainability at the urban scale. Particular emphasis will be given to the emergence of new “green” business models, namely those offering customized services.

The integrated use of all energy resources, including local distributed renewable generation and flexible demand, should be optimized and articulated with innovative mobility services to contribute to “net-zero energy” cities. Special attention will be devoted to the role of smart campuses within smart cities. In this scope campuses can serve as a test bed to study solutions for interoperability, scalability and replicability in different scenarios.

Title: SET-LCA – Streamlined Ecodesign Tools based on Life Cycle Assessment incorporating uncertainty


Coordinators at INESCC: Carlos Henggeler

Dates start/end:


Ecodesign promotes optimization of the environmental performance of products (while maintaining their functional qualities) and promotes new business opportunities for manufacturers and greener consumption, balancing environmental and economic needs through an efficient design of products.

The SET-LCA project proposes a novel framework to support ecodesign by integrating streamlined life-cycle (LC) environmental and cost assessment with Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). The framework accommodates varying amounts (and quality) of information and provides estimates and associated uncertainty for environmental and economic performance using statistical methods, such as Monte Carlo simulation. Product-specific ecodesign tools will be developed based on the framework for selected mass-produced components from the automotive, packaging and prefabricated construction industries, addressing novel manufacture strategies incorporating biomaterials and recycled materials (displacing fossil materials) towards a circular economy.

The main objectives of the project are: i) To develop an integrated (environmental and cost) streamlined LC ecodesign framework to support early-stage decisions; ii) To implement the framework in tools for various mass-produced components: automobile, packaging and prefabricated building industries, validating these tools with real-world applications in Portugal and Brazil; iii) To identify key drivers of environmental and cost impacts of the selected products, the most efficient ecodesign strategies, and to provide recommendations for industry and policy-makers; iv) To implement the tools as spreadsheet-based software prototypes, which may later be developed into a commercial products; and v) To disseminate these tools through stakeholders (industry, R&D, designers, others), promoting more efficient, eco-friendly and competitive products.

This project will advance methodological frameworks by developing a novel ecodesign tool that combines a streamlined LC approach incorporating uncertainty with MCDA that provides insights and recommendations for current industrial design practice of mass-produced components. The project will also be relevant for the international scientific community, as the framework developed here can be adapted to other products/systems.

In order to carry out the SET-LCA project, we gathered a multidisciplinary team composed of researchers with complementary expertise and solid track records from two Portuguese Research Units (CIE-ADAI and INESCC), which will collaborate with the Brazilian Embrapa team. The team has significant experience in LC modeling incorporating uncertainty of various systems, including preliminary work on ecodesign of automotive components (CIE-ADAI), a strong experience in uncertainty analysis, statistically-based models and MCDA (INESCC), as well as extensive experience in developing and characterizing biomaterials and on LC approaches for bioproduct development (Embrapa).

Title: RETROSIM – Multi-Objective Building Retrofit, Simulation and Monitoring on-line optimization tool for Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Coordinators at INESCC: Carlos Henggeler


Project Team:

Date of approval:

Dates start/end: 16-07-2018 / 15-07-2021

Total Eligible Cost: 31 268.75€

EU Financial Support: 26 578.44€

National Financial Support: 4 690.31€

Project Code: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032503

Region of intervention:

Beneficiaries:Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinamica Industrial, INESC Coimbra – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra, ITCONS – Instituto de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico para a Construção, Energia, Ambiente e Sustentabilidade



A wide range of retrofit technologies exists, which are readily available for building retrofit project however methods and tools to identify the most suitable set of retrofit actions for particular projects are still a major technical challenge. RETROSIM project will focuses on using modeling and optimization techniques for developing an on-line tool to provide stakeholders sound information to support the definition of intervention measures aimed at minimizing energy use in the building in a cost effective manner, while considering the occupants comfort. The main project outcome will be a web-based software-as-a-service tool aimed to assist Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) and building owners to carry out building energy assessments and retrofit recommendations easier and faster, saving time and money. The ESCOs will be able to use the RETROSIM to deliver standardized reports that are designed to drive action, including financial decisions. Building owners and investors will be able to determine which buildings have opportunities across a portfolio, isolating no-cost and low-cost operational measures for immediate savings. In addition, as information about the building changes or technology prices and characteristics change over time, building owners can always re-evaluate the most cost-effective retrofitting opportunities from our database.

First, the project will identify and categorize a comprehensive set of innovative retrofitting actions and renewable energy solutions. This set of alternatives will be stored in a database to be used as an input to a software tool to quantitatively compare the merits of different options based on multiple evaluation criteria. In the second step, an innovative hardware system including a set of advance wireless sensors built upon a wireless communication system that allows for easy deployment in buildings that can be received and installed by the customers, eliminating the need of on-site visits will be developed. Later on, an optimization engine based on the previous projects of the team will be developed and wrapped around these models to perform the multi-objective optimization (MOO), thus coping with the combinatorial nature of the problem. This fast and efficient MOO approach quantitatively assess technology choices in a building retrofit project. When complete, the information is compiled and presented in a building performance report. A representative set of buildings will be used to exploit this tool in practical settings.

The RETROSIM project will be carried out by a team of researchers specialized in mechanical, civil, and electrical engineering who combine the key modelling skills in mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, energy system engineering, building technology engineering, and informatics. The collaboration with Politecnico di Torino (PT) consists in the participation of Energy department of the PT as consultants of the proposed project.

Title: Learn2Behave – Understanding energy behaviours to induce efficiency in energy consumption through PBL strategies

Coordinators at INESCC: Luís Miguel Pires Neves


Project Team:

Date of approval: 13-07-2017

Dates start/end: 30-09-2017 / 30-03-2019

Total Eligible Cost: 10 712.50€

EU Financial Support: 9 105.63€

National Financial Support: 35 908.00€

Project Code: CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-023651

Region of intervention: Center



Link to app “Minha Energia” (myEnergy)


Promoting energy efficiency has been stated as a major societal objective, motivating several strategies that aim to transform the energy market. However, besides the technological dimension, the gap between the potential efficient consumption and the real consumption, for the same level of service, is particularly dependent of end-users’ behaviours, materialized by their choices when operating equipment, but knowledge about behaviours and their influence over energy consumption is still rather limited, being specific to the social environment of consumers, depending from several variables.

The purpose of this project is then to characterize behaviours on the territories covered by the participating institutions, aiming to promote energy efficiency and reducing energy costs, disseminating best practice advices as a way of rewarding the collaboration of consumers. The curricular involvement of students of different levels occur throughout the whole process, starting by an analysis of the aspects to identify, through a systematic exploitation of the end-uses and of the possible consequences of different alternatives of their use in terms of energy consumption and of the energy bill, as well as developing innovative ways to interact with young public. As a corollary, it is expected that the whole problem based learning approach will also induce a transformation on the students involved, as energy end users, also inducing change on their family context.

The first activity has been conducted with students of energy management related subjects on electrical engineering and energy and environmental courses (BSc and MSc), on the three participating higher education institutions, as part of their evaluation assignment, and gave origin to a supporting database, already holding a significant amount of data, such as the average consumption of Portuguese households, real case studies to be shown as examples, energy policies, instruments and fiscal incentives to energy efficiency, portfolio of saving opportunities in the residential sector, emergent challenges in the context of smart grids.

In the second task, an interactive app to engage young consumers and provide a two-way communication system on end-users’ energy consumption practices, was developed, and its currently being deployed. The third and final task, which aims to analyze data is currently staring. Accordingly, the conclusions of the project are still out of reach. However, its development until this point has already raised important challenges regarding the multidisciplinary research work, and most of all, have been fruitful in terms of motivating students, which, at the end of the day, are themselves energy consumers whose behaviors are being influenced.

Title: Efficient Electric Vehicles with Hybridized Energy Storage Systems

Coordinators at INESCC: João Pedro Trovão (University of Sherbrooke, Canada)

Dates start/end: 10-2015 / 10-2020

Entity: Canada Research Chairs Program



Dr. João Trovão, Canada Research Chair in Efficient Electric Vehicles with Hybridized Energy Storage Systems, is developing energy systems and highly efficient propulsion systems that will make electric vehicles more efficient and give them a greater driving range than what is currently available. Trovão’s research focuses on range as well as battery aging and recharging time. He hopes to improve performance by using hybridized energy storage systems and reducing energy loss. His innovations will be made widely available to major industry leaders through technology transfer. Trovão’s research will contribute to the development of a new generation of more efficient electric vehicles. Better suited to the needs of consumers, these vehicles will offer a more attractive alternative to traditional vehicles and support the larger goal of sustainable development.  

Title: StreamLAB – Streamlined environmental and cost life¬cycle assessment of building retrofits: a decision¬ supporting tool


Coordinators at INESCC: Carlos Henggeler

Dates start/end: 09-2018 / 08-2019


Retrofitting of existing buildings can promote a significant reduction in the environmental load and operating costs of the European building stock. In Portugal, there are two million households needing renovation (34% of the Portuguese building stock). Most of those buildings are among the largest contributors to the poor energy performance of the building sector. Given their long life-span, it is essential that designers and developers are encouraged to identify effective and eco¬-efficient strategies that reduce the overall life¬cycle (LC) burden of buildings. LC approaches have been extensively applied to analyze building environmental impacts and costs. However, conventional LC approaches are very time consuming and resource ¬intensive to implement, preventing a more widespread use. Additionally, they are usually performed in late design stages when significant reduction in total LC impacts is costly to achieve. Streamlined LC approaches have been used as a technique to support early stage decisions of a product or system when less detail is known promoting greater potential in reducing environmental impacts and costs. However, early design decisions imply that less data are available. Existing methods for filling data gaps often ignore the effects of the uncertainty inherent in estimating data.

The StreamLAB project proposes a novel decision¬ supporting tool to assess the environmental impacts and costs of building retrofits in Portugal by integrating a streamlined LC environmental and cost assessment with a data envelopment analysis (DEA) model. The streamlined LC approach is used to derive eco¬efficiency ratios, and DEA is utilized to rank alternatives without a need to subjectively weigh the different environmental and cost LC metrics. The streamlined LC approach for building retrofits accommodates varying amounts (and quality) of information on retrofit design and provides estimates and associated uncertainty for environmental and economic performance. The method comprises the application of structured under¬ specification, probabilistic triage, and guided sequential specification. DEA compares alternatives without a priori consideration of any functional form between inputs and outputs or a priori subjective intervention concerning the weights of indicators. This novel decision ¬supporting tool aims to provide a scientific basis for informed decisions (recommendations for designers, stakeholders or policy makers). It also demonstrates the benefits of a LC perspective and helps to transfer research results and insights into current building design practice.

The main objectives of the project are:

  1. Develop an integrated (environmental and cost) streamlined LC approach to support early ¬stage decisions in building retrofits; 
  2. Apply the streamlined approach to assess the environmental and cost performance of various building retrofits in Portugal for three types of single ¬family houses (detached, semi¬detached and row) combined with three types of wall systems (single ¬pane stone, and single¬ and double¬ pane brick walls) representing buildings from distinct time periods (historic buildings built before 1919, buildings from 1919 to 1960, and from 1960 to 2000). These assessments will include a sensitivity analysis to three climate regions and two alternative residential occupancy patterns;
  3. Identify key drivers of environmental and cost impacts of building retrofits in South European climates and provide recommendations;
  4. Develop a tool integrating a streamlined LC approach and DEA for eco¬efficiency analysis and identify the most eco¬-efficient retrofit strategies;
  5. Implement the tool as a spreadsheet-¬based software prototype, which may later be developed into a commercial product. This project will advance methodological frameworks by developing a novel streamlined LC approach integrated with DEA to support the decision ¬making process of building retrofits. It will also provide insights and recommendations for current building retrofit design practice. The project will be also relevant for the international scientific community, as the framework developed here could be further adapted to other products/systems.

In order to carry out the StreamLAB project, we gathered a multidisciplinary team composed of researchers with complementary expertise and solid track records from three Portuguese Research Units (CIE¬ADAI, INESCC and CeBER¬-UC) which will collaborate with a team from MIT. The research team has large and diversified experience in LC modeling and assessment of various systems, including buildings (CIE¬ADAI), as well as a strong background and experience in uncertainty analysis, statistically¬-based models, optimization and DEA (INESCC and CeBER¬-UC). The MIT team collaborating in this project has relevant experience in creating decision¬ supporting tools to assess environmental impacts and costs of buildings.

Title: SusCity: Urban data driven models for creative and resourceful urban transitions

Coordinators at INESCC: A.G. Martins (IR na UC), C.H. Antunes (líder WP2)

Dates start/end: 01-2015 / 12-2017

Entity: FCT (MITP-TB/CS/0026/2013)



The project intends to catalyze the generation and proliferation of scalable urban interventions through the development and deployment of a multi-dimensional Urban systems Simulator and Dashboard (USD). While the visualization and communication of data is essential, urban models will provide the ability to envision alternative scenarios and new services and products, founded on rigorous urban science. The team proposes to couple a multi-dimensional simulation with physical urban modeling and data collection machine to serve these objectives.

Title: Projeto RETHINK – Reform of Education THru INternational Knowledge exchange – Project number: 544178-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-PT-TEMPUS-JPCR

Coordinator: Luisa Gonçalves (IPleiria, Coordinator)

Dates start/end: 12-2013 / 12-2016

Entity: European Commission, Co-funded by the Tempus Programme of the European Union

Title: UrbanWINS: Innovative strategic plans for urban waste reduction and management

Coordinators at INESCC: C.H. Antunes, L. Dias (UC team members)

Dates start/end: 2016 / 2018

Entity: European Commision, H2020-QA-STE-6b-2015



The project will analyse current strategies for waste prevention and management in a total of 24 cities and assess how they contribute towards resilience and resource efficiency. The project will follow the urban metabolism approach, in which cities are considered living organisms that use natural resources and create a flow of materials and energies. The results will be used to define objectives and indicators of the Strategic Plans for Waste Prevention and Management in 8 pilot cities.

Title: Monumental Polychromy: Revealing Medieval Colours at Batalha

Coordinators at INESCC: Luisa Gonçalves (IPLeiria)

Dates start/end: 09-2016 / 08-2017

Entity: Instituto de História da Arte/FCSH/NOVA; Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian



“Monumental Polychromy: Revealing Medieval Colours at Batalha” is a research and educational project that aims to study the original polychromy of the 15th century Founder’s Chapel at the Monastery of Batalha, and to make its findings known both to the academic community and to the general public. The chapel still shows small pigmented areas that suggest it was originally extensively coloured, and therefore offered a very different appearance to its current bare-stone look, which resulted from thorough cleaning and stripping campaigns in the 19th and 20th century. The study of medieval polychromy on architectural and sculptural objects is a growing field of study internationally that has so far remained completely unexplored in Portugal. A key aim of this project is therefore to open up a new field of research in Portuguese Art History in close and necessary collaboration with other scientific disciplines: material analysis, heraldry and digital reconstruction. As such, it constitutes a first case study, an innovative pilot project with a view to further collaboration between the institutions involved and others in the future. To this end, the project will work to identify to what extent, in what ways and for what purposes colour was applied to the architectural structures and funerary monuments of the chapel. The material evidence of the use of colour will also be considered in the light of current scholarship on the heraldic and decorative significance of such use. Once we have identified the colours originally chosen as part of the programme designed by king João I, king Duarte and other potential agents, and established their possible meanings, the project aims at making this knowledge available both to the Chapel’s visitors (by means of an on-site interactive 3D display) and online for the academic community and general public at large through. The project also contemplates making its findings known through a book targeted to the general public, academic articles and participation on scientific conferences.

Title: Hiperconnector: High Performance Connectors for Concrete Overlays

Coordinator: Luís Costa Neves, Vítor Dias da Silva

Dates start/end: 01-2014 / 06-2015

Entity: QREN/COMPETE (co-promoção) QREN 38829 – HIPERCONNECTOR – FCOMP-01-202-FEDER-038829

Title: WebGIS.Arch: a Web3 (Wiki, GIS and social‐web) Portal on historical and archaeological heritage

Coordinator: Gil Gonçalves

Dates start/end: 2012 / 2015

Entity: QREN, Mais Centro, UE

Title: Fire protection of reinforced concrete structural elements strengthened with cfrp composite systems – CARBOFIRE

Coordinator: João Ramôa-Correia (IST); F. Branco, D. Dias da Costa

Dates start/end: 04-2012 / 04-2015

Entity: FCT (PTDC/ECM/118271/2010)


Advanced dynamic indoor localization system

Title: Advanced dynamic indoor localization system

Coordinator: Manuel A. Facas Vicente, Marta Pascoal

Dates start/end: 07-2013 / 02-2015

Entity: QREN/COMPETE (co-promoção)

Title: EMSURE – Energy and Mobility for SUstainable REgions

Coordinator: Professor António Gomes Martins

Dates start/end: April 2013 / June 2015


Synopsis: The challenge of the project consists of developing models, methods and technologies to assist decision makers and companies in making the Portuguese Centro Region truly sustainable as far as energy and mobility are concerned.


Title: iCIS – Intelligent Computing in the Internet of Services

Coordinator: P. Carvalho (CISUC, coordinator)

Dates start/end: January 2013 / July 2015

Synopsis: The goal of iCIS is to perform world class research in intelligent computing for the Internet of Services and Things, and to achieve a continuum and an increased momentum in national and international cooperation on these scientific challenges, sustainable increase in critical mass and international impact, as well as a long-term financial sustainability of the consortium by preparing it for national (e.g., QREN) and international (FP7, FP8) framework programmes and for technology transfer and start-up promotion.

Research in iCIS will be focused in two complementary, yet interrelated, directions: advanced algorithms and infrastructures for information capture and management in the Internet, and intelligent algorithms for data analysis and knowledge extraction for smart Internet services. The former will investigate key solutions for the future internet related mainly to cloud computing, internet of services and things, internet security, and advanced software engineering, whereas the latter will concentrate on intelligent algorithms for data analysis and knowledge extraction over Internet-based solutions focusing on relevant scientific and socio-economical problems involving complex, multi-parametric and high volumes of data. More specifically, the consortium will focus on three main application areas where considerable expertise exists in the team: computational intelligence for personal health systems (PHS) directed to chronic cardiovascular and neurological disease management, intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and information retrieval systems.

To achieve the strategic goals of the research line within iCIS, a twofold strategy shall be followed: first, existing networks and international research projects shall be used as anchors, i.e. research where the team has proven excellence (e.g., in next generation networks technology, sensor network solutions, in PHS for cardiovascular and neurological diseases, in ITS, in security and dependability of large scale computer systems) will be pursued by tackling central research questions in the field and with a high degree of alignment with FP7 and Horizon 2020 challenges. Second, throughout the project, project concepts will be defined and developed. Concept definition aims at identifying the scientific, social and economic requirements of relevant project ideas, key technologies and know-how from inside the consortium to solve the problem, but also expertise outside the consortium (either using existing networks or seeking new partners). These concepts will be the basis for new project and network proposals to be lead or to be integrated by researchers of the consortium and for the promotion of technology transfer to innovative start-ups.


Title: GerAPlanO Project – Automatic Generation of Architecture Floor plans with Energy Optimization

Dates start/end: 2012 / 2015

Entities: ADAI/ INESCC / We Solve Buildings Problems/ Ciberbit/ VisoArq

Synopsis: The GerAPlanO project (Automatic Generation of Architecture Floor plans with Energy Optimization) is the response to these problems by implementing algorithms, which have already obtained promising results in academic context, for the automatic generation of a set of alternative plans, respecting the initial requirements and constraints imposed by the architect.


Title: Production of a MOOC – Massive Open Online Course in the area of Science and Geographic Information Systems

Coordinator: Luisa Gonçalves no INESCC

Dates start/end: 09-2014 / 05-2015

Entity: FCT: 62/ID/2014


In this project we will address the problem of Beam Angle Optimisation (BAO)  in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT).


(Image obtained using Software CERR)

  • What is IMRT?

    • Radiation therapy consists in the treatment of cancerous tissues using radiation, having as goal the destruction of cancerous cells and the preservation of healthy tissues. The treatment plan is based on the patient CT images, where the radiation oncologist delineates the target volume and organs at risk. The medical physicist and/or the dosimetrist are then responsible for performing the plan aiming to deliver the prescribed dose to the tumor while minimizing the irradiation of the surrounding healthy organs and tissues. The achievement of optimal radiotherapy treatments is done through the optimization of all possible variables that can influence the dose distribution.With IMRT, the number of degrees of freedom to be optimized is so large that computation of mathematical algorithms is mandatory to achieve valuable solutions. The selection of appropriate radiation incidence directions may be decisive for the quality of the treatment.
  • Why is this problem important?

    • In clinical practice, most of the time, beam directions continue to be manually selected or are optimized using gradient methods that are prone to converge to the nearest local minimum starting with the initial beam incidence directions.In this project we will work on computer-aided inverse planning applied to radiation therapy treatments focusing on the resolution of the beam angle optimization (BAO) problem. We aim at improving the quality of the treatments which may increase treatment outcome and quality of life while reducing treatment planning time.

  • What do we propose to do?

    • We aim to develop and test new approaches for the resolution of the BAO problem, using both derivative-free optimization methods and evolutionary algorithms (EA) to tackle this highly non-convex optimization problem. See the full description for a more detailed description.
  • Who are we?

    • This is an interdisciplinary project, with researchers having a solid background on computer science, optimization, medical physics and clinical practice. From the computer science and optimization side, the team has expertise in creating algorithms in multidisciplinary optimization including derivative-free algorithms and evolutionary computation. From the medical physics side, the team counts with specialized researchers, with a sound experience in treatment planning both from the research and from the clinical practice points of view. The synergies that will be possible to exploit set the grounds for a future quality research and contribute to the innovative character of our proposed work.

The development of this project will have academic impact by the development and application of derivative-free and EA to challenging real world problems. However, since this project is to be developed in straight collaboration with the Portuguese Institute of Oncology of Coimbra (IPOC), our main goal is to reflect the academic empirical achievements on the improvement of patient’s treatments.



Inverse planning problems applied to radiation therapy treatments are of interest for both the academic and applied points of view. From the development and improvement of mathematical models to the design of innovative resolution algorithms capable of dealing with large scale mathematical problems, this area of research is an almost inexhaustible source of scientific challenges. From the applied point of view, inverse planning methodologies can help the daily work of radiation therapy treatment planners, increasing the quality of treatment delivered to patients. The increased capabilities of the present physical devices allow the delivery of treatments that are more effective and that have fewer side effects. Nevertheless, their increased complexity makes the planning task harder, and the trial and error procedures do not guarantee the best possible treatment. These problems are interdisciplinary by nature and require the collaboration of computer science and operations research specialists with medical physicists.

In this project we intend to focus our attention in the resolution of the BAO problem. This problem is important due to two main reasons. First, the choice of adequate directions may be decisive for the quality of the treatment. Second, changing beam directions during treatment is time consuming, and short treatments are desirable because the probability of the patient altering his position on the couch increases with the duration of the treatment. It is a challenging global non-convex optimization problem with many local minima yet to be solved satisfactorily. Not only good quality solutions have to be found, but also they have to be found within a reasonable time window (due to clinical practice requirements).

Our objective is to introduce new approaches for the resolution of the BAO problem, using direct search methods and evolutionary algorithms. We also intend to investigate the use of non-coplanar beam directions and to determine the minimum number of incidence directions to be used.





The formulation of the BAO problem as a continuous non-convex optimization instead of the traditional combinatorial optimization problem is a natural formulation since BAO problem is in fact continuous. The common choice of using a combinatorial optimization formulation problem is mainly caused by the non-use of appropriate methods to address the non-convex nonlinear formulation, namely methods that require few function evaluations, and that are suited to address problems with many local minima. Among direct search methods we intend to develop strategies based on pattern search methods tailored for the BAO problem. Pattern search methods are a suitable approach due to their structure, organized around two phases at each and every iteration, one where convergence to a local minima is assured (poll), and other (search), where flexibility is given to the method since any strategy can be applied as long as only a finite number of points is tested. This allows the insertion of previously used and tested strategies/heuristics that successfully address the BAO problem and enhance a global search by influencing the quality of the local minimizer or stationary point found by the method. Pattern search methods have the ability to avoid being trapped by the closest local minima of the starting iterate, and find a local minimum in a lowest region. Preliminary tests were conducted on the basis of retrospective treated cases of head and neck tumors. We have shown that, for head and neck cases, a beam angle set can be locally improved in a continuous manner using pattern search methods. Moreover, it was shown that high-quality coplanar beam directions can be obtained and compete with equispaced beam directions within a clinically acceptable time frame. We have to highlight, as well, the low number of function evaluations required to obtain locally optimal solutions. The number of times the function value has to be computed is of the utmost importance, particularly when the BAO problem is modeled using the optimal values of the FMO problem. The results obtained are very encouraging and reinforce our belief that pursuing this line of research can produce effective improvements on the quality of this type of oncologic treatments.

Optimization problems involving a huge search space are good candidates to be solved by an Evolutionary Algorithm. Even if we know, since the No Free Lunch (NFL) theorem, that there is no best algorithmic problem solver, that does not mean that we cannot have a good solution for a particular class of problems. In the case of the BAO problem we will need to develop and test an EA tuned for that problem. To that end, we will use a representation that takes into account that we have to deal with a continuous domain. Second, special variations operators will be tested that will incorporate knowledge about the problem. Both the representation and the operators will foster evolvability. This is important because, due to time constraints, we will need to reduce the number of generations that the EA will use to evolve a good solution. Third, the variation operators must be such as to maintain a high diversity in the population, to avoid premature convergence. Fourth, we will introduce a memory mechanism, so the algorithm can react quickly every time a similar situation to one already solved in the past appears.  It is also worth mentioning that relying on an individual representation with variable length, we can also test the ability of our algorithm to come up with a solution that minimizes the number of beams.

The far most important objective of this research is to provide means for the quality improvement of treatments delivered to patients.Summarizing, we can say that our main objective is to develop computer-aided algorithms that will improve/complement the existing commercial inverse planning software and are able to help medical physicists to build better treatment plans, with an improvement in the quality of treatments delivered to patients.


  • Beam Angle Optimization using direct search
  • Beam Angle Optimization using evolutionary algorithms
  • Determination of minimum number of incidence directions
  • Introduction of non-coplanar directions


  • Researchers
Joana Matos Dias has a BSc in Computers Engineering (1996), a MSc in Operations Research (2000), a MSc in Quantitative Finance (2011) and a PhD in Management Science (2006). She is an Assistant Professor at University of Coimbra, where she has been responsible for several course units like logistics, operations research, modeling in management, simulation. She is also a researcher at Inesc-Coimbra. Her main research interest is decision making models and algorithms in general, and operations research applied to health problems, combinatorial optimization, location problems in particular. She is author or co-author of two books, more than 30 papers in refereed international journals, conference proceeding and book chapters.

Personal homepage:
Humberto Rocha
Humberto Pereira Rocha is currently a Researcher at the Inesc-Coimbra Research Center. He received both his bachelors and masters degrees in Applied Mathematics from the University of Coimbra in 1998 and 2001, respectively. He completed a PhD in Computational and Applied Mathematics at Old Dominion University (ODU) and NASA Langley Research Center, both in Virginia, USA. His main areas of research are the development and analysis of numerical methods for large-scale linear/nonlinear programming, integer optimization, and derivative-free optimization. Most of his research centers on applications in physics, inverse engineering, aeronautics, and presently radiotherapy. This multidisciplinary approach leads to publications in a variety of journals and to many presentations and lectures on computational and applied mathematics and related applications in several different countries and for audiences with distinct backgrounds.
Ernesto Costa is Full Professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra (Portugal). He got a Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering (area of Computing Science) in 1985. His main research interests are in the areas of Evolutionary Computation, Artificial Life, Complex Systems, Machine Learning, Cognition and Computational Biology. He participated in several projects, got several best paper awards. He was the recipient of the “2009 EvoStar Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Evolutionary Computation”. He   organized several international scientific events and had published over 150 papers in books, journals and proceedings of conferences. He is member of the editorial board of several journals.
Anabela  Simões is Assistant Professor at the Coimbra Institute of Engineering. She is, since 1996,  member of the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC). From 1996 to 2003 she belonged to the Artificial Intelligence Group. In 2003 she became a founding member of the Evolutionary and Complex Systems Group (ECOS) of CISUC  where she is currently a Senior Researcher.She received the 5 years BSc (1995), MSc (1999) and PhD (2010) degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Coimbra. Her research interest covers the following areas: genetic and evolutionary computation, memetic computing, swarm intelligence (particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization), estimation of distributions algorithms, meta-heuristics and hyper-heuristics, artificial neural networks for scheduling, computational intelligence for combinatorial  and dynamic optimization problems, intelligent systems, data mining, intelligent data analysis and data integration. She is co-author, with  Ernesto Costa, of the textbook Artificial Intelligence: Foundations and Applications (in portuguese).
Brigida da Costa Ferreira is a researcher at I3N Department of Physics from Aveiro University. She graduated at the Science Faculty of Lisbon University and did her PhD at Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University. The subject of her PhD thesis was biological optimization of breast and cervix tumours. Her postdoc was done at Aveiro University and the Medical Physics Department of the IPOCFG aiming to implement IMRT for head and neck tumours and Stereotactic IMRT for brain lesions. Presently, still within the collaboration between Aveiro University and the Medical Physics department of IPOCFG, her research project involves the development of tools to collect clinical patient data for radiobiological studies. Her work was published in international journals like Medical Physics, Radiation Oncology, Physics Medicine and Biology, Acta Oncologica, Physica Medica (awarded best paper 2006-2007), etc. Some of her main interests are: implementation of sophisticated radiation therapy techniques (IMRT, IGRT, ART, ion therapy); radiobiological optimization and evaluation of radiation therapy and evaluation of clinical outcomes.
Maria do Carmo Lopes is Head of the Medical Physics Department of the Portuguese Institut of Oncology in Coimbra (IPOCFG, E.P.E.), with 20 years experience in Medical Physics with special interest in Radiotherapy. She has been invited Associated Professor at Aveiro University (I3N, Physics Dept.) since 2008. Her PhD. was obtained in 1991, in Radiation Physics at Coimbra University. She has been deeply involved in the clinical development of new techniques in Radiotherapy, like radiosurgery, stereotactic radiotherapy and IMRT. She has coordinated many education and training activities, namely Radiation Protection Courses for different health care professionals, in the Centre of Permanent Professional Development at IPOC and she has collaborated with different universities in graduation and post-graduation programs. She has been the Coordinator of the Medical Physics Division of the Portuguese Physics Society and the National Member Officer of the European Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) during the period 2005-2012. She was member of the Physics Committee of ESTRO in 2005-2011. She was the Chair of the Education and Training Committee in the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) during the last term 2009-2012. She is presently member of the Scientific Committee at EFOMP and of the Education and Training Committee at IOMP. She is active in various national and international research projects, namely with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Tiago Ventura is a physicist at the Medical Physics Department of the Portuguese Institute of Oncology Francisco Gentil in Coimbra (IPOCFG, EPE) since 2007. He has completed his degree in Physics Engineering at University of Aveiro in 2007 and was awarded with the prize for the best graduating student of Physics Engineering of the year. His main field of interests covers the development of tools for quality assurance in radiation therapy and the implementation of new sophisticated techniques such as Radiosurgery, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy and Stereotactic radiotherapy. Presently is doing his PhD in Physics Engineering at University of Aveiro. His research project is in the field of clinical implementation of gantry angle optimization, evaluation of physical and biological objective functions and plan evaluation.
  •  Consultants

Allen Holder



Ben J.M. Heijmen



David Craft



Sanja Petrovic



Sebaastian Breedveld



Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2015) “Does Beam Angle Optimization Really Matter for Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy?” Computational Science and Its Applications, O. Gervasi et al. (Eds.):, Part II, LNCS 9156, Part II, pp. 522-533 (pdf) 

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2015) “Noncoplanar beam angle optimization in IMRT treatment planning using pattern search methods” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol 616, 012014 (pdf)

Dias, Joana, H. Rocha, B. C. Ferreira and M. C. Lopes (2014) “Simulated Annealing applied to IMRT Beam Angle Optimization: a computational study”, Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics (accepted for publication) (pdf)

Dias, Joana, Humberto Rocha, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2014) “IMRT Beam Angle Optimization using Differential Evolution”, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Biomedicine and Bioinformatics, pp 22-29

 Soares, Inês, Joana Dias, Humberto Rocha, Maria do Carmo Lopes, Brígida Ferreira (2014) “Predicting Xerostomia induced by IMRT treatments: a logistic regression approach”, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, International Workshop on Biomedical and Health Informatics, pp 72-77

Ferreira, Brígida, Leila Khouri, Maria Do Carmo Lopes, Hervê Ferreira (2014) “RESPONSE, an Electronic Health Patient Information Software for Radiation
 I. Lackovic and D. Vasic (eds.): 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, IFMBE Proceedings 45, pp. 691-694, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland (pdf).

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2014) “A Two-Stage programming approach to fluence map optimization for intensity-modulated radiation treatment planning” I. Lackovic and D. Vasic (eds.): 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, IFMBE Proceedings 45, pp. 687-690, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland (pdf).

Dias, Joana, Humberto Rocha, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2014) “IMRT Inverse Planning using Simulated Annealing” I. Lackovic and D. Vasic (eds.): 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, IFMBE Proceedings 45, pp. 699-702, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland (pdf).

Dias, Joana, H. Rocha, B. C. Ferreira and M. C. Lopes (2014) “A genetic algorithm with neural network fitness function evaluation for IMRT beam angle optimization”, Central European Journal of Operations Research, 22 (3), pp 431-455 (pdf)


Dias, Joana, Humberto Rocha, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2014) “IMRT Beam Angle Optimization Using DDS with a Cross-Validation Approach for Configuration Selection” Computational Science and Its Applications, B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2014, Part II, LNCS 8580, pp. 1-16

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2014) “IMRT Beam Angle Optimization Using Non-descent Pattern Search Methods” Computational Science and Its Applications, B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2014, Part II, LNCS 8580, pp. 17–31

Rocha, Humberto, Ana Maria A.C. Rocha, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2014) “IMRT Beam Angle Optimization Using Electromagnetism-Like Algorithm” Computational Science and Its Applications, B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2014, Part II, LNCS 8580, pp. 278–289

Dias, Joana, Humberto Rocha, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2013) “IMRT Beam Angle Optimization Using Dynamically Dimensioned Search”, I. Lacković et al. (eds.), The International Conference on Health Informatics, IFMBE Proceedings 42, pp 1-4 (pdf)

Dias, Joana, Rupa Jaganathan, Sanja Petrovic (2013) “Determining the number of beams in 3D conformal radiotherapy: a classification approach”, HCIST 2013 – International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, Procedia Technology, 9, pp 958-967 (pdf)

H. Rocha, J. Dias, B. C. Ferreira and M. C. Lopes (2013) “Selection of intensity modulated radiation therapy treatment beam directions using radial basis functions within a pattern search methods framework”, Journal of Global Optimization,  vol. 57, pp 1065‑1089 (pdf)

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2013) “On the Global Optimization of the Beam Angle Optimization Problem in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy” L.M. Roa Romero (ed.), XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013, IFMBE Proceedings 41, 1374-1377 (pdf)

Rocha, Humberto, J. Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2013) “On the Use of A Priori Knowledge in Pattern Search Methods: Application to Beam Angle Optimization for Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy” Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2013), Murgante, B., Misra, S., Carlini, M., Torre, C., Nguyen, H.-Q., Taniar, D., Apduhan, B.O., Gervasi, O. (Eds.), LNCS, vol. 7971, pp 279-292 (pdf)

H. Rocha, J. Dias, B. C. Ferreira and M. C. Lopes (2013) “Pattern search methods framework for beam angle optimization in radiotherapy design”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 219 (23), pp 10853-10865 (pdf)

H. Rocha, J. Dias, B. C. Ferreira and M. C. Lopes (2013) “Beam angle optimization for intensity-modulated radiation therapy using a guided pattern search method”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, vol. 58, pp 2939-2953 (pdf)

H. Rocha, J. Dias, B. C. Ferreira and M. C. Lopes (2013) “Otimização do planeamento inverso de tratamentos em radioterapia”, Investigação Operacional em Ação: Casos de Aplicação  (in Portuguese, accepted for publication)

H. Rocha, J. Dias, B. C. Ferreira, and M. C. Lopes (2012) “Incorporating Radial Basis Functions in Pattern Search Methods: Application to Beam Angle Optimization in Radiotherapy Treatment Planning”, B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2012, Part III, LNCS 7335, pp. 1–16

H. Rocha,  Joana Dias, B. C. Ferreira, and M. C. Lopes (2012) “Discretization of optimal beamlet intensities in IMRT: a binary integer programming approach”, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, vol. 55, pp 1969-1980 (pdf)

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2012) “Beam Angle Optimization in IMRT using Pattern Search Methods: Initial Mesh-Size Considerations”, ICORES proceedings, 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, pp 355-360 (pdf).

H. Rocha, Joana Dias, B. C. Ferreira,  M. C. Lopes (2012) “Combinatorial optimization for an improved transition from fluence optimization to fluence delivery in IMRT treatment planning”, Optimization, vol 61, n. 8, pp 969-987 (pdf).

H. Rocha,Joana Dias, B. C. Ferreira, and M. C. Lopes (2011), “Influence of Sampling in Radiation Therapy Treatment Design”. B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2011, Part III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6784, pp. 215–230, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg (pdf)

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2011) “On the transition from fluence map optimization to fluence map delivery in intensity modulated radiation therapy treatment planning” Proceedings of the VII ALIO–EURO, Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, Porto, Portugal, May 4–6, 2011, pp 173-176

Research Reports

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida C. Ferreira, Maria Carmo Lopes (2012) “Beam angle optimization in intensity-modulated radiation therapy using radial basis functions within the pattern search methods framework” , Research Report n.1-2012, Inesc-Coimbra (pdf)

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2011) “From fluence map optimization to fluence map delivery:the role of combinatorial optimization” , Research Report n. 5-2011, Inesc-Coimbra (pdf)

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2010) “Towards efficient transition from optimized to delivery fluence maps in inverse planning of radiotherapy desing”,  Research Report n. 7-2010, Inesc-Coimbra (pdf)

 Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2010) “Direct search applied to beam angle optimization in radiotherapy design”,  Research Report n. 6-2010, Inesc-Coimbra (pdf)

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias (2009) “On the Optimization of Radiation Therapy Planning”,  Research Report n. 15-2009, Inesc-Coimbra. (pdf)


Dias, Joana, Humberto Rocha, Tiago Ventura, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2015) “Automated Iterative Non-Linear Optimization for IMRT Fluence Map Optimization”, 27th European Conference on Operational Research, Glasgow, United Kingdom, University of Strathclyde, 12-15 July 2015

Dias, Joana, Humberto Rocha, Tiago Ventura, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2015) “Fluence Map Non-Linear Continuous Optimization for IMRT Treatment Planning”, 13th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 8-10 July 2015

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2015) “Does Beam Angle Optimization Really Matter for Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy?” Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2015, University of Calgary, Banff, Canada – June 22-June 25



Rocha, H., Joana Dias, B. C. Ferreira, M. C. Lopes (2015) “Noncoplanar beam angle optimization in IMRT treatment planning using pattern search methods”, Euro Mini‑Conference on Improving Healthcare: new challenges, new approaches, 30 March to 1 April 2015, Coimbra, Portugal

Soares, Inês, Joana Dias, H. Rocha, L. Khouri, M. C. Lopes, B. Ferreira (2015) “Predicting Xerostomia after IMRT treatments: A data mining approach” Euro Mini‑Conference on Improving Healthcare: new challenges, new approaches, 30 March to 1 April 2015, Coimbra, Portugal

Dias, Joana, Humberto Rocha, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2014) “IMRT Beam Angle Optimization using Differential Evolution”, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Biomedicine and Bioinformatics, Belfast 2-5 November 2014

Soares, Inês, Joana Dias, Humberto Rocha, Maria do Carmo Lopes, Brígida Ferreira (2014) “Predicting Xerostomia induced by IMRT treatments: a logistic regression approach”, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, International Workshop on Biomedical and Health Informatics, Belfast 2-5 November 2014

Dias, Joana, H. Rocha, B. C. Ferreira, M. C. Lopes (2014) “ Simulated annealing applied to IMRT beam angle optimization: A computational study”, 8th European Conference on Medical Physics, Athens, Greece, September 2014.

Rocha, H., Joana Dias, B. C. Ferreira, M. C. Lopes (2014) “Noncoplanar beam angle optimization in IMRT treatment planning using derivative-free algorithms”, 8th European Conference on Medical Physics, Athens, Greece, September 2014 (E-Poster – Best paper presentation award).

Rocha, H., Joana Dias, B. C. Ferreira, M. C. Lopes (2014) “A two-stage programming approach to fluence map optimization for intensity- modulated radiation therapy treatment planning”, 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (MBEC 2014), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2014.

Dias, Joana, H. Rocha, B. C. Ferreira, M. C. Lopes (2014) “IMRT Inverse Planning using Simulated Annealing”, 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (MBEC 2014), Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2014.

Dias, Joana, H. Rocha, B. C. Ferreira, M. C. Lopes (2014) “A Simulated Annealing Approach Using a DDS-based neighborhood for IMRT Beam Angle Optimization” 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies IFORS 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 13-18 July 2014

Dias, Joana, Humberto Rocha, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2014) “IMRT Beam Angle Optimization Using DDS with a Cross-Validation Approach for Configuration Selection” Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2014), Guimarães, Portugal, 30 June – 3 July 2014

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2014) “IMRT Beam Angle Optimization Using Non-descent Pattern Search Methods” Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2014), Guimarães, Portugal, 30 June – 3 July 2014 (presented by Humberto Rocha)

Rocha, Humberto, Ana Maria A.C. Rocha, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2014) “IMRT Beam Angle Optimization Using Electromagnetism-Like Algorithm” Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2014), Guimarães, Portugal, 30 June – 3 July 2014 (presented by Humberto Rocha)

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2014) “IMRT beam angle optimization using a physics-guided derivative-free algorithm”, XXX EURO mini Conference “Optimization in the Natural Sciences”, February 5–9, Aveiro, Portugal (presented by Humberto Rocha)


Dias, Joana, Humberto Rocha, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2013) “IMRT Beam Angle Optimization Using Dynamically Dimensioned Search”, IFMBE International Conference on Health Informatics, 7-9 November 2013, Vilamoura, Portugal

Dias, Joana, Rupa Jaganathan, Sanja Petrovic (2013) “Determining the number of beams in 3D conformal radiotherapy: a classification approach”, HCIST 2013 – International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, 23-25 October 2013, Lisbon, Portugal

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2013) “On the Global Optimization of the Beam Angle Optimization Problem in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy” XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013, 25-28 September Sevilla, Spain

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2013) “On the Use of A Priori Knowledge in Pattern Search Methods: Application to Beam Angle Optimization for Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy” The 13th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2013), June 24-27, Vietnam

Humberto Rocha, Joana Dias, Brígida Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2013) “Otimização angular no planeamento inverso de tratamentos de IMRT: uma abordagem usando algoritmos sem derivadas”, IO 2013, XVI Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional, 3-5 Junho 2013, Bragança, Portugal

H. Rocha, J. M. Dias, B. C. Ferreira, and M. C. Lopes, “Beam angle optimization using derivative-free algorithms incorporating beam’s-eye-view dose metrics”. Radiotherapy & Oncology 106, Supp. 2, pp. S226, March 2013. Poster discussion (M. C. Lopes) at the 2nd ESTRO Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, April 2013. (abstract pdf)

Dias, JoanaH. Rocha (2012) “A two-stage genetic algorithm for IMRT beam angle optimization”, International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization 2012, 17–19 September 2012,University of Oxford, UK


Dias, JoanaH. Rocha (2012) “A genetic algorithm with neural network fitness function evaluation for IMRT beam angle optimization”, The 2012 Mini EURO Conference on Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine, University of Nottingham, 13‑15 September 2012


Dias, JoanaH. Rocha (2012) “Using neural networks to map beam angles into intensity objective function values in IMRT optimization problems”, 25th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO2012), 8-11 July, Vilnius

H. Rocha, J. Dias, B. C. Ferreira, and M. C. Lopes (2012) “Incorporating Radial Basis Functions in Pattern Search Methods: Application to Beam Angle Optimization in Radiotherapy Treatment Planning”, The 12th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2012), June 18-21, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2012) “Beam Angle Optimization in IMRT using Pattern Search Methods: Initial Mesh-Size Considerations”, 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, 4-6 Fevereiro 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve

H. Rocha, J. Dias, B. C. Ferreira, and M. C. Lopes (2011) “Influence of Sampling in Radiation Therapy Treatment Design”, The 11th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2011), June 20-23, 2011, , Santander, Spain

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2011) “On the transition from fluence map optimization to fluence map delivery in intensity modulated radiation therapy treatment planning” VII ALIO–EURO, Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, Porto, Portugal, May 4–6, 2011

Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2011) “Beam Angle Optimization using Derivative-Free Algorithms” 11th Biennial on Physics & Radiation Technology For Clinical Radiotherapy, 8-12 May 2011 – London, UK


Rocha, Humberto, Joana Dias, Brígida Costa Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Lopes (2010) “Sampling issues for intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment planning”, 24rd European Conference on Operational Research, 10-14 de July, Lisbon, Portugal

Euro Mini Conference 2015

Improving Healthcare: new challenges, new approaches

Recent advances in medicine allow us to live longer and healthier lives. These advances have been made possible through the joint contribution of very different scientific fields. Healthcare is nowadays better understood as a multidisciplinary field, with increasing number of challenges that can be better tackled by joint collaboration of researchers with different scientific backgrounds.

The challenges that Healthcare is facing have not only to do with the ability of providing better services to all (treatments, preventive medicine, better diagnosis tools), with an increased focus on improved personalized treatment options, but also with the need to tackle an increased pressure felt by Healthcare systems: increased number of patients, some of them requiring expensive treatments, with a consequent increase in the workload for health institutions that most of the times have to deal with important budget restrictions.

The Conference will provide a forum in which researchers coming from different scientific disciplines can discuss and share their experience regarding methodological approaches to tackle different Healthcare challenges. Contributions from operational research, industrial engineering, medicine, medical physics, management, computational biology, bioinformatics, health economics among others are welcomed.

Please visit the conference website.


If you want more information about our project, or if you think that you could collaborate with us, please feel free to contact us:

Joana Dias
INESC Coimbra – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra

Rua Antero de Quental, Nº199 
3000 – 033 Coimbra 

tel: +351239790571


Title: Image processing and inverse problems: applications in medical and terrestrial observation images, and in biomathematics

Coordinator: I. Figueiredo (UC), Gil Gonçalves (INESCC)

Dates start/end: July 2013 / June 2015

Entity: FCT (PTDC/MAT-NAN/0593/2012)



Title: Volunteered Geographic Information Towards 3d-Real Estate Cadastre

Coordinator: José Paulo Almeida (INESCC)

Dates start/end: September 2014 / August 2015

Entity: FCT (EXPL/ATP-EUR/1643/2013)



Title: Extended “well-to-wheels” assessment of biodiesel for heavy transport vehicles (BioHeavy)

Coordinator: Fausto Freire, ADAI

Dates start/end: 2010 / …

Entity: FCT (PTDC/SEN-TRA/117251/2010)

Proponent Institutions: ADAI, LAETA

Participating Institutions: INESC Coimbra

Synopsis: The project has the following specific objectives:

  • To select relevant biodiesel systems and to develop a consequential LC inventory modeling framework of biodiesel, in which consideration of land use change (LUC) and/or indirect land use change (ILUC) is crucial for a comprehensive sustainability assessment.
  • To perform a comparative attributional and consequential WtT modeling of the selected biofuel systems, to assess and discuss the differences in the results, and to make results transparent and comparable with other LC studies published in the literature, which have usually adopted an attributional approach.
  • To develop and implement a robust experimental TtW framework integrating three complementary approaches: fleet data assessment, on-road and engine dynamometer testing to perform an experimental characterization of emissions and energy performance of heavy transport vehicles, fueled with different biodiesel blend.
  • To improve the TtW performance of heavy vehicles engines fueled with various biodiesel blends.
  • To identify the major sources of uncertainty in the extended WtW assessment of biodiesel systems and the main procedures to reduce this uncertainty, recognizing that results of a LC study can be affected by parameter uncertainty and variability and by scenario uncertainty.
  • To make a multi-criteria assessment of biodiesel system alternatives, combining LCA and MCDA and addressing/managing uncertainty.
  • To compare the relative merits of biodiesel and petroleum diesel, taking into account the new sustainable criteria defined in the RED and Fuel Quality Directives (EC09), as well as the new EU guidelines for land carbon stock calculation (2010).

To carry out this project, we gathered a multidisciplinary research team with large and diversified experience in LC modeling and assessment of biofuel systems, GHG emissions, and other environmental impacts (ADAI-LAETA; Brandão IES-JRC EU, Italy); in the experimental TtW characterization of the environmental and energy performance of vehicles engines, including dynamometer tests, on-road testing, and fleet data analysis (ADAI-LAETA) and with a strong background in the field of MCDA (INESCC) and diversified experience in uncertainty analysis (ADAI-LAETA; INESCC).


Title: Strategic Project 2014

Coordinator: Direction board

Dates start/end: 01-2014 / 12-2014

Entity: FCT (PEst-OE/EEI/UI0308/2014)


Title: Strategic Project 2011-12 (2013 extension)

Coordinator: Direction board

Dates start/end: 01-2011 / 12-2013

Entity: FCT (PEst-C/EEI/UI0308/2011)


Title: MESMO-EV: Multiple Energy Storage systems Management Optimization for Electric Vehicles

Coordinator: Professor Paulo José Gameiro Pereirinha

Dates start/end: 2010 / March 2013

Entity: FCT

Synopsis: MESMO-EV (Ref. PTDC/EEA-EEL/121284/2010) is a research project concerning Multiple Energy Storage systems Management Optimization for Electric Vehicles, promoted by the Institute for Computers and Systems Engineering at Coimbra (INESC Coimbra) and Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and FEDER under Project Grant PTDC/EEA-EEL/121284/2010 and FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-020391, for the period 2010-2013. The research team includes experts from the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, ISEC-DEE, and Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra. The Main Investigator is Professor Paulo José Gameiro Pereirinha from Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra and Institute for Computers and Systems Engineering at Coimbra (INESC Coimbra).


Title: PDChain: Just-in-Time Production and Distribution of Perishable Goods in Supply Chains

Coordinator: B. Almada Lobo (FEUP), Carlos Henggeler Antunes

Dates start/end: April 2010 / April 2012

Entity: FCT (PTDC/EGE-GES/104443/2008)

Proponent Institution: FEUP – Unidade de Gestão e Engenharia Industrial (UGEI/IDMEC Porto/FE/UP)

Participant Institution: INESC Coimbra

Synopsis: The pressure of reducing costs in supply chains (SC) forces companies to take an integrated view of their production and distribution processes. The timely production and distribution of rapidly perishable goods is one of the most challenging logistics problems in the context of SC operation. The overall problem involves several tightly interrelated production planning, scheduling and routing problems, considering product freshness simultaneously. Even when considered as independent from the other ones, each of the mentioned problems is of large combinatorial complexity.

The main objective of the present research project is to investigate this dilemma of the different aims of production and distribution planning incorporating product freshness as a criterion and to develop solutions by an integrated planning approach. Both production and distribution planning are NP-hard and therefore computationally intensive to solve. There is a strong need for approaches that are capable of finding satisfactory solution to these complex problems in short computation times. So for developing a solution method for an integrated approach, new concepts will be necessary incorporating ideas from exact methods, heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms. These methods will be tested not only on artificial benchmark instances, but also on a real word data from a Portuguese diary company and, therefore, the expected cost savings and superior performance of the generated plans can be compared against real ones. PDChain project will improve the planning processes of food manufacturers.

Title: Energy Box – development and implementation of a demand responsive energy management system

Coordinator: Carlos Henggeler Antunes

Dates start/end: October 2010 / October 2013

Entity: FCT (MIT/SET/0018/2009)

Participating Institutions: IPCDVS UC, MIT ESD

Synopsis: The implementation of demand-sensitive pricing schemes is a proven strategy for an industry to provide more service within capacity constraints of the current service system infrastructure, thus postponing or avoiding huge capital expenses. The ongoing transformation of electric grids into “smart grids” provides the basis to implement demand-sensitive pricing aimed at using the electric power infrastructure more efficiently. This creates benefits for the end-users (by lowering their electricity bill without degrading comfort levels), the operators (by managing the peak and flattening the aggregate demand curve, which may permit to meet forecasted demand growth with the current portfolio of generation sources) and the environment (by avoiding building new generation units). In this context of migration to smart grids demand-sensitive pricing of electricity will become the standard pricing mechanism. Therefore, it is necessary to make the most of short-term price signals, comfort requirements and user preferences to induce changes in electricity-consuming behavior. In this context, the aim of this project is to further develop and implement in practice the concept of Energy Box proposed by Livengood and Larson (2009) as a 24/7 background processor operating on a local computer or in a remote location to manage in an intelligent manner, that is, responding to price signals, comfort requirements, etc., one’s home or small business electrical energy use. The Energy Box is thus an energy management system consisting of a hardware device and algorithms coordinating in an autonomous manner the management of electricity use, storage and selling back to the grid for the typical small consumer of electricity in the residential and services / industrial sectors. This is an automated energy management system that mimics the individual consumer’s decision making process under the same conditions (of the grid, in-door comfort and air quality, occupancy patterns, weather, etc.). The Energy Box will exploit the flexibility that consumers generally have in the timing of their electricity usage to induce changes in their electricity-consuming patterns through time-varying electricity pricing (which can range from simple time-of-use rates to actual real-time pricing) to achieve a total system optimal control. This becomes feasible with the “smart grid” infrastructure, including two-way communication and short-interval meter reading, complemented with sensor networks in one’ home or small business. This project aims further to incorporate analytical methods and develop adequate algorithms, namely based on operations research techniques for decision support, to produce a learning, adaptive version of the Energy Box that has the capability to address both usability and user-engagement issues. Usability is perceived as going beyond having a good human-machine interface and includes requiring minimal information input or intervention from the user while causing minimal or no disruption to the user’s activity or work processes. User-engagement refers to both the frequency and the degree to which users are engaged in and utilize a system. An innovative stance in this project will be to include researchers on cognitive psychology to study crucial issues regarding the dissemination and degree of use, perceived as the level of enthusiasm and ardor with which the user deploys and uses the Energy Box including his/her willingness to leave decisions to switch on/off electric appliances providing him/her energy services with a certain level of comfort to a device (although this is parameterized with his/her input information). It is expected to develop, in association with a company with expertise in this domain, a prototype (both hardware and software) capable of controlling a space-conditioning facility in the home or small office.


Title: Capturing Uncertainty in Biofuels for Transportation. Resolving Environmental Performance and Enabling Improved Use

Coordinator: Fausto Freire, ADAI; Luis Dias

Dates start/end: October 2010 / October 2013

Entity: FCT (MIT/SET/0014/2009)

Proponent Institutions: ADAI

Participating Institutions: INESC Coimbra, MIT

Synopsis: This project addresses the challenge of developing a methodology for the extended LCA of biofuels systems’ sustainability. The R&D work will provide:

 1) a quantitative assessment of the nature and magnitude of quality and environmental impact uncertainty of feedstock’s for transportation biofuels;

 2) an analytical characterization of the potential for uncertainty-aware planning models to appropriately manage uncertainty;

 3) a framework to combine and make trade offs between these tools in the context of industry-specific case studies. The explicit incorporation of quality uncertainty in bio-derived feedstock’s will enhance the ability to quantify the environmental performance of these fuels.

The project will provide critical information for the biofuel industry in sourcing particular feedstock’s both domestically and internationally, optimizing fuel outputs by managing the quality uncertainty of feedstock’s, and assessing their environmental impact. A “well-to-tank” modeling of the biofuels will be adopted. The project focuses on systems producing a major crop traded on the global market, and explores the use of next generation biofuels and feedstock’s that could be sourced domestically, which could provide a business opportunity for Portuguese fuel companies. The project will:

•Characterize the uncertainty in selected bio-derived fuel feedstock sources, including their quality and environmental performance. Uncertainty in quality deals with determining statistical quality distributions for incoming feedstock’s. Towards environmental impact uncertainty, this work will look at several uncertainties including indirect land use changes.

•Assess the environmental value of biofuel alternatives based on the complementary use of MCDA and LCA.

•Develop decision-support tools considering uncertainty of the quality performance function (that maps feedstock characteristics to final fuel properties) into blending decisions using stochastic optimization, including as inputs residual sources and conventional feedstock’s.

Combine LCA and blending algorithms using MCDA towards novel engineering systems methodologies through case studies that compare fuels for transportation on metrics of environmental performance. 


Title: Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Electric Vehicle Systems

Coordinator: Luis Dias

Dates start/end: October 2010 / October 2013

Entity: FCT (MIT/MCA/0066/2009)

Participant Institution: ADAI, ISR-UC, MIT

Synopsis: Electric vehicles have been in existence since the creation of the automobile in the 1800s, but fossil fuel powered vehicles have always been the dominant powertrain technology for mass-produced automobiles. Pollution, climate change, resource availability, and geopolitical concerns have led to a renewed interest in alternative engine technologies and electric vehicles are at the forefront of this debate because there are no direct emissions from the vehicle during its operation. However, an electric vehicle does not operate in a vacuum. Rather, it is part of a complex system that includes the production of the vehicles and the generation of power to charge the batteries in the vehicle. The proposed project is an economic and environmental sustainability assessment of electric vehicle systems. There are three main questions:

What are the conditions under which the electric vehicle system produces a net environmental benefit relative to existing vehicle systems?

What are the conditions under which the electric vehicle system is economically competitive with existing vehicle systems?

What is the uncertainty associated with these conditions and how can knowledge of that uncertainty be leveraged in strategic decisions around the development of electric vehicle systems?

These questions will be explored using a research plan that is organized into the three elements:

Economic and environmental analysis of electric vehicles. Research in this task will be conducted using a dynamic life cycle perspective of a fleet of electric vehicles implemented over time compared against a baseline of an existing fleet dominated by combustion engine vehicles. Four life cycle phases will be considered: materials production, vehicle production, use, and end-of-life. The task consists of four main activities: scenario definition, model development, data collection, and scenario analysis.

Economic and environmental analysis of power generation. The main purpose of this task is to develop and implement an integrated environmental and economical assessment of power generation in Portugal first and then other contexts as well, addressing dynamics, variability and uncertainty. The overall objective is to perform a holistic evaluation of the LC aspects (direct and indirect) associated with the increased power generating capacity required to power EVs.

Synthesis and decision analysis. This task will build on the analyses developed in Tasks 1 and 2 in order to provide an overall evaluation for each potential scenario by developing a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) framework taking into account uncertainty and the viewpoints of multiple stakeholders (automotive manufacturers, infrastructure developers, power generators, policymakers, and consumers).

The primary outcome from this work will be strategies for developing economically and environmentally sustainable electric vehicle systems. The audience for these strategies will include all stakeholders within the system: automotive manufacturers and suppliers, infrastructure developers, power generators, and policymakers. The strategies will include recommendations on vehicle technology and manufacturing as a function of context. Furthermore, there will be methodological contributions in the diverse areas of life cycle assessment, economic technological forecasting, and decision analysis, and in mechanisms for integrating these topics.


Title: Multicriteria Routing in MPLS and WDM Networks

Coordinator: José Craveirinha

Dates start/end: April 2010 / October 2013

Entity: FCT (PTDC/EEA-TEL/101884/2008)

Participating institutions: Centre of Operational Research of FCUL (Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon) and Nokia-Siemens Networks

Synopsis: The main objectives of the project are the development of new multicriteria routing approaches dedicated to IP/MPLS and WDM networks and the study of model specification and model resolution (that is the resolution of associated optimisation problems in a multicriteria sense) as well as the assessment of performance issues associated with multicriteria resilient routing. Ultimately we will seek the development and evaluation of an approach to routing which is innovative in terms of the underlying methodological paradigm. The application focus is on MPLS/IP and WDM optical networks with wavelength converters and is justified by the increasing relevance of these two types of network technologies for multiservice information transfer and physical transport, respectively, and their inherent capabilities. In the case of MPLS networks the impact of the establishment of an explicit route and a reservation route in terms of load balancing costs in the routes and the minimisation of delay bounds along the routes will be taken into account through appropriate objective functions. In the case of optical networks we will take into account the fault probabilities in the links and their impact in terms of loss of optical connections, through appropriate cost functions for the active and protection paths.

The project itself is focused on the development of new multicriteria routing models and algorithms for solving the models and on network performance analysis (in a multicriteria sense) using the developed methods. This will require the implementation of analytic-numerical models for performance analysis and specialised discrete-event simulation platforms that will also enable the comparison of network performance when using other proposed routing approaches. At methodological level particular attention will be paid to the development of exact algorithms, namely multicriteria shortest path algorithms, multicriteria shortest pairs of disjoint path algorithms or meta-heuristics dedicated to specific multicriteria routing problems and to multicriteria methods for ordering and selecting routing solutions. 

Title: Sorting and performance evaluation with QUalitative/ORdinal information Using Multiple criteria (QUORUM)

Coordinator: Luis Dias

Dates start/end: 23.05.2005 / 30.06.2008

Entity: FCT (POCI/EGE/58371/2004)],

Synopsis: Much of the research on how to aid evaluators / Decision–Makers (DMs) in organisations addresses the important problems of seeking to satisfy multiple objectives at the same time (multi-criteria decision analysis). Some of the research addresses the same problem in group decisions and negotiations, which becomes even more complex due to the need of conciliating multiple interests. Decision support models are often difficult to put into practice, since they require that DMs provide precise values for many parameters (e.g., criteria weights). Working with models that demand less effort from the DMs is a manner of contributing to increase the use and success of formal decision-aiding methods. In particular, some methods are able to work with qualitative/ordinal information, expressed as order relations (e.g., stating that one criterion weighs more than some other, rather than providing precise numerical weights).

The QUORUM project intends to develop the state-of-the-art in decision-aiding methods working with
qualitative/ordinal information applied to sorting and performance evaluation problems. Sorting (assignment,
classification) problems consist in separating the evaluated alternatives (objects, persons, projects,…) into different categories. If the categories are ordered (e.g., Poor, Fair, …, Excellent) then this can be seen as measuring performance through a rating or a qualitative note. Ordinal information multi-criteria methods will be proposed, being for instance able to reproduce sorting examples. Sorting problems with multiple DMs, who may not entirely agree but wish to reach consensus, will also be studied.
There exist other methods, which measure performance using a quantitative note, e.g., using a utility function or a value scale. Such methods are usually intended for selection and ranking problems, where the alternatives are compared against each other, contrarily to sorting methods. Ordinal information methods based on aggregating multiple utility/value functions will also be studied, considering ordinal information about the alternatives’ performance scores on each criterion, as well as the weights associated with the utility functions. The extension to cases of group decisions and negotiations is also planned.

In the spirit of comparing each alternative to the best ones, efficiency measurement will also be considered in the context of evaluating performance, namely using Data Envelopment Analysis and other productivity analysis tools. An important output of these inter-related research streams will be the development of software to facilitate the usage of the methods, which will play a major role in the dissemination of the project’s results among potential users. Case studies will be performed in different contexts, to assess the usability of the methods and software. Of particular interest, due to the potential to bring new theoretical developments, is the problem of assigning tasks to agents.


Title: Multiobjective Models in Energy Efficiency Evaluation Problems

Coordinator: Carlos Henggeler Antunes

Dates start/end: Outubro 2007 / Setembro 2010

Entity: FCT (PTDC/ENR/64971/2006)

Synopsis: The promotion of energy efficiency, namely those actions aimed at changing the shape and level of the demand, has been implemented by the utilities with operational or economic goals, or supporting energy and environmental policies. These usually conflicting objectives maintain their attractiveness even in a restructured electricity sector. In this scenario, several entities exist in each branch of activity meaning that the goals when implementing energy efficiency actions may also vary from entity to entity, thus making the assessment of such actions harder. In this context, the main objective of this project is the development of multiobjective models able to be used in the assessment of energy efficiency actions at different demand aggregation levels and according to the objectives of different entities that may be interested in the promotion of such actions.

Among all the energy efficiency promoting actions those aimed at changing the shape and the level of the demand were the most often implemented. However, a previous assessment of these actions must be done in a detailed and careful way in order to avoid eventual negative effects, such as increase in maximum demand, strong reduction of revenues or discomfort caused to consumers. Such evaluation requires suitable load models that allow the simulation of both the demand and energy efficiency actions at different demand aggregation levels. These models are based on physically-based end-use models. In order to be able do deal with the multiple objectives and combinatorial characteristics of the problem, adequate multiobjective mathematical models are used, explicitly addressing the multiple, conflicting and incommensurate aspects of evaluation (of technical, economical and quality of service nature). The suitable assessment of energy efficiency actions impacts at different demand aggregation levels and according to different entities existing in the several branches of activities will be possible in this way. In the context of multiobjective programming models the search for non-dominated solutions will be based on genetic algorithms (GAs). The choice of GAs as the most suited methodological approach is based on experience of the research team. These problems are characterized by difficult search spaces, in which both the morphology and the location of solutions are unknown. GAs, while search and optimization tools, are well suited for complex and combinatorial multiobjective problems since they work with a set of potential solutions in each generation allowing a broader characterization of the search space. In multicriteria problems (in which the alternatives are known a-priori) the goal is to develop decision support systems that enable the classification of the energy efficiency actions according to pre-defined ordered categories. The members of the research team have a fruitful experience on the development, use and implementation of methodological tools devoted to these problems (such as the IRIS method).

The main objective of this project is the development and implementation of models and methodologies for energy efficiency assessment in restructured power systems. Four main tasks will be carried out: development of multiobjective models able to deal with all the aspects under evaluation and usable by different entities; development of a computational platform capable of simulating both the demand and the energy efficiency actions at different demand aggregation levels; implementation of a genetic algorithm suited for the identification and search for non-dominated solutions; development of a decision support system (DSS) to be used in the assignment of energy efficiency alternatives to pre-defined ordered categories.


Title: Multiobjective input-output models for the study of energy-environment-economy (E3) interactions

Coordinator: Carlos Henggeler Antunes

Dates start/end: 1.9.2005 / 31.8.2008

Entity: FCT (POCI/ENR/57082/2004)

Synopsis: Neste projecto podem distinguir-se duas vertentes fundamentais do trabalho de I&D realizado: uma de natureza mais aplicada relacionada com o contexto do estudo das interacções entre os sistemas energético, económico e ambiental que conduziu à construção de modelos de programação linear com múltiplas funções objectivo baseados em análise input-output, e uma outra, de natureza mais teórica e metodológica, relativa ao desenvolvimento de algoritmos de programação matemática tendo em conta a incerteza associada aos dados de entrada dos modelos no sentido da obtenção de conclusões robustas. Algumas das vias de investigação suscitadas por esta vertente da actividade do projecto foram exploradas noutros problemas do sector energético relacionados com o tópico principal do projecto.  Na vertente de construção de modelos matemáticos foram desenvolvidos novos modelos e aperfeiçoados modelos anteriormente propostos de programação linear multiobjectivo, para o estudo das interacções entre o sistema energético, os impactes ambientais e a economia a nível nacional. O desenvolvimento destes modelos insere-se numa linha de pesquisa da equipa de investigação do projecto, procurando ajustá-los de forma cada vez mais precisa à realidade nacional (mas replicáveis noutros contextos de análise) através quer da recolha de dados mais actualizados e fiáveis, quer sobretudo da introdução de novos elementos, à custa da formulação de versões mais sofisticadas das variáveis de decisão, das restrições e das funções objectivo que melhorem a adequação do modelo à realidade e, consequentemente, a possibilidade de dele extrair conclusões com significado face à situação em análise. Estes modelos de programação linear multiobjectivo são baseados na estrutura linear das relações de produção inter/intra-industriais (análise input- output). O principal valor acrescentado dos modelos desenvolvidos neste projecto é permitirem aos decisores considerar múltiplos, conflituosos e incomensuráveis aspectos de avaliação do mérito das soluções potenciais, revelando os compromissos (trade-offs) associados a estratégias energéticas sustentáveis, ao crescimento económico, ao bem-estar social e às preocupações ambientais.  Na vertente de tratamento da incerteza, associada aos coeficientes dos modelos de programação multiobjectivo, foram desenvolvidas técnicas algorítmicas, de natureza interactiva para tirar partido da informação sobre as preferências do decisor para limitar o esforço computacional, para o cálculo de soluções robustas. Dada a dimensão e complexidade destes modelos, bem como a imprecisão intrínseca associada aos dados, a caracterização de soluções robustas (i.e., o mais possível “imunes” às diversas fontes de incerteza), foram desenvolvidos algoritmos originais dedicados ao cálculo de soluções robustas quando os coeficientes do modelo de programação linear multiobjectivo são expressos através de números intervalares. Esta forma de modelação da incerteza é particularmente interessante porque não pressupõe o conhecimento de distribuições de probabilidade, como em programação estocástica, ou de funções membro, como em programação difusa. Os algoritmos de programação intervalar foram desenvolvidos tendo em conta a respectiva aplicabilidade em modelos de alguma dimensão, cujos coeficientes derivam de matrizes input-output. As vias de investigação teórica e metodológica abertas por este projectos que foram exploradas noutros problemas do sector energético consistiram no desenvolvimento de modelos de programação inteira multiobjectivo para apoio à tomada de decisões em problemas de controlo directo de cargas no quadro de acções de gestão da procura de energia eléctrica, de técnicas integrando Data Envelopment Analysis e análise multicritério para avaliação de eficiência das unidades de biogás, de estudos dos mercados de electricidade, e de modelos de apoio à decisão para planeamento energético integrado local.


Title: Models and Algorithms for Tackling Uncertainty in Decision Support Systems

Coordinator: Carlos Henggeler Antunes

Dates start/end: 1.7.2002 / 31.7.2006

Entity: FCT (POSI/SRI/37346/2001)

Synopsis: Durante a execução deste projecto os trabalhos decorreram de acordo com o respectivo plano, tendo como objectivos principais a extensão, a integração e a aplicação de modelos e algoritmos para o tratamento explícito das fontes de incerteza em sistemas de apoio à decisão (SAD), em particular baseados em modelos multiobjectivo e multiatributo, de modo a permitir a obtenção de conclusões robustas. A equipa de investigação estudou situações de incerteza e imprecisão em problemas de decisão, caracterizadas por:  – existência de parâmetros cujos valores não são conhecidos na fase de análise;  – existência de parâmetros cujos valores são imprecisos devido à sua natureza estatística ou à própria dificuldade de medida;  – existência de parâmetros que reflectem as preferências, convicções, julgamentos e valores de decisores, supondo que estes podem modificar-se no decurso do próprio processo de decisão à medida que é obtido um maior conhecimento do problema em causa;  – possibilidade de arbitrariedade na determinação de coeficientes de modelos matemáticos e/ou outros parâmetros de carácter técnico;  – existência de informação de entrada incompleta, pouco credível, contraditória (entres diversas fontes) ou controversa (em diferentes actores do processo).  Neste quadro, foram estudadas e desenvolvidas técnicas interactivas de programação difusa (fuzzy programming), que permitem considerar os coeficientes e as relações matemáticas de modelos de programação linear multiobjectivo de forma difusa (distribuições possibilísticas), e de programação intervalar (em que a incerteza sobre os coeficientes dos modelos é captada sob a forma de intervalos). Nesta última vertente, foi realizado um extenso trabalho de revisão e análise comparativa de todas as abordagens existentes na literatura para problemas de programação linear multiobjectivo com coeficientes intervalares e desenvolvida uma abordagem original para tratar este tipo de problemas, visando diminuir o esforço computacional exigido.   Estas técnicas foram aplicadas a um modelo para estudar as interacções entre a economia, o sector energético e o ambiente, baseado em análise input-output. Devido às inúmeras fontes de incerteza e imprecisão associadas a este tipo de modelos (praticamente todas as caracterizadas acima), foi investido algum esforço de I&D no respectivo desenvolvimento e extensão (bem como na aplicabilidade à realidade nacional), dado proporcionar um valioso campo de experimentação.  Ainda no que diz respeito a aplicações, a área das telecomunicações, dada a complexidade de natureza combinatória e a dimensão dos problemas, foi usada como campo de análise para estudar questões ligadas ao tratamento da incerteza e imprecisão em sistemas complexos  (sobretudo problemas de encaminhamento com múltiplas métricas de avaliação da qualidade das soluções). A área de planeamento do território e avaliação multicritério de edificações (envolvendo a concepção e desenvolvimento de um SAD dedicado, com interface espacial) constituiu outro domínio de aplicação. Também o tratamento de problemas de localização (bicritério) de equipamentos motivou o desenvolvimento de uma nova abordagem com elevada eficiência computacional que permite a consideração explícita de duas restrições adicionais (o que, em geral, torna o problema muito mais complexo).   Foi desenvolvido um SAD para identificação da estabilidade de soluções não dominadas em problemas de programação inteira e inteira mista multiobjectivo, tendo em particular atenção o papel da estrutura de preferências dos decisores (no sentido quer de dotar a pesquisa de mecanismos de orientação, quer de diminuir o esforço computacional associado ao cálculo). Este SAD foi aplicado ao estudo de um caso de selecção de estratégias de controlo de cargas em redes eléctricas.  Outra área do tratamento da incerteza em SAD que mereceu especial esforço de I&D foi a dos processos de negociação e decisão em grupo baseados em modelos multiatributo (dos pontos de vista metodológico e de arquitectura de um SAD)  Todos estes desenvolvimentos tiveram como pano de fundo o paradigma da análise robustez para lidar com a incerteza e imprecisão em problemas de decisão, nomeadamente em relação aos coeficientes e parâmetros de entrada dos modelos, em que se pretende analisar e caracterizar todas as conclusões/recomendações compatíveis com conjuntos de combinações aceitáveis dos valores de entrada.


Title: Decision Support Systems for Groups and Public Participation (Groupware)

Coordinator: João Paulo Costa

Dates start/end: May 2005 / May 2008

Entity: FCT (POCI/58828/2004)

Synopsis: In this project three prototypes or models of distributed group support systems intended to support tasks related to information structuring were developed: a system for group discussion and structuring, a group decision support system for quantitative decision support, and a support system for public participation bearing on social issues. In addition to the special requirements and characteristics of each one of these systems, particular consideration is given to their differences and similarities. Their main common point is the importance granted to information structuring. Their differences concern the application domain, the group dimension, the behavior and motivations of the group members, the articulation artifacts used, as well as the preference for a qualitative or quantitative approach to the problem.

In what concerns the quantitative approach, efforts were put in interactive methods applied to multiobjective linear fractional programming problems (MOLFP). We developed new interactive methods and tools for computing non-dominated solutions and finding the preferred one in MOLFP. A special effort was made to develop an easy and fast process for the computation phase, while keeping the elicitation of preference information as natural and comfortable as possible and guiding the decision maker in his/her search for the preferred solution.

The quantitative methods and collaboration systems were tested in the financial planning field.

Title: Electricity market transformation – a multi-objective modelling approach to support strategic decisions

Coordinator: Carlos Henggeler Antunes

Dates start/end: 1.7.2002 / 30.6.2006

Entity: FCT (POCTI/ESE/38422/2001)

Synopsis: O contexto do projecto é o estudo de abordagens de transformação de mercado (TM), tendo em conta que a promoção da eficiência energética tem evoluído nos últimos anos para aproximações mais abrangentes, no sentido em que se procuram contribuições de todos os envolvidos no mercado e não apenas dos participantes em programas de condicionamento da procura. As principais áreas de intervenção foram o controlo remoto de cargas, a estruturação do processo de avaliação de iniciativas de eficiência energética, o desenvolvimento de metodologias para avaliação de iniciativas de eficiência energética, questões técnicas e operacionais relativas à qualidade de serviço (modelos para compensação do factor de potência em redes de distribuição, simulação do desempenho energético de edifícios), a modelação das interacções energia-ambiente-economia usando técnicas de análise input-output, o estudo dos processos de liberalização e comportamento dos mercados grossistas de electricidade, e técnicas de previsão de carga num horizonte de curto prazo. No que se refere ao apoio à tomada de decisões em problemas de controlo remoto de cargas foi desenvolvido um modelo de programação matemática com múltiplas funções objectivo(maximização do lucro, minimização da ponta a diversos níveis de agregação das cargas, minimização do factor de perdas e minimização do desconforto imposto ao utilizador pelo deslastre das cargas), dada a importância da resposta do lado da procura num mercado de electricidade liberalizado. Esta diversidade de eixos de avaliação, operacionalizados através defunções objectivo a optimizar, permite adaptar este modelo às diversas entidades intervenientes no mercado de electricidade. Este trabalho teve como base a construção de uma plataforma e métodos de modelação e/ou simulação de medidas de transformação de mercado, com identificação de factores que influenciam a sua implementação, com vista à sua aplicação a modelos de usos finais. Dada a dimensão e complexidade do modelo matemático, sobretudo devido ao seu carácter combinatório, a equipa de investigação desenvolveu uma abordagem metodológica baseada em algoritmos genéticos/programação evolucionária especialmente adequada. Esta abordagem metodológica acabou por revelar-se com um valor intrínseco, e não meramente instrumental, em aspectos relativos à construção dos operadores genéticos como o carácter adaptativo da probabilidade de mutação, a utilização de pontos de referência para reforço do mecanismo de elitismo, e o conceito de delta-dominância para a obtenção de soluções suficientemente distintas na fronteira óptima de Pareto.Outra vertente do trabalho de I&D consistiu no desenvolvimento conceptual, numa utilização pioneira da Soft Systems Methodologies (SSM) neste contexto, de um instrumento de análise do processo de avaliação de iniciativas de eficiência energética. A estruturação efectuada com recurso a SSM permite reconhecer todos os actores do processo (entidade reguladora, governo, agência de energia, consumidores, companhias de serviços de electricidade, companhias distribuidoras, etc.), bem como identificar as suas relações, no sentido de providenciar apoio à tomada de decisões a diferentes promotores (quer públicos, quer privados) de iniciativas de eficiência energética. Com base neste trabalho foi efectuada a construção de árvores de critérios dedicadas a cada potencial actor do processo no quadro de um sistema de apoio multicritério à decisão. Por fim, foi desenvolvido e implementado computacionalmente um sistema de apoio àdecisão multicritério dedicado à categorização (em classes de mérito ordenadas) de iniciativas de eficiência energética.No contexto mais vasto de TM, foi ainda prestada particular atenção aos impactos a nível local/municipal das acções de promoção da eficiência energética. Neste sentido, foi efectuado um detalhado levantamento do “estado da arte” relativo à Agenda 21, no que se refere a estudos de casos de iniciativas de autoridades locais em apoio à Agenda 21. Foi ainda iniciada a estruturação, usando também a abordagem SSM, de problemas de planeamento energético a nível local/municipal, com particular ênfase no impacto das das acções de promoção da eficiência energética. Neste quadro, foram realizados estudos de técnicas de simulação do desempenho energético de edifícios. Em áreas de carácter mais técnico/operacional foram prosseguidas vias de investigação relativas à qualidade de serviço, através do desenvolvimento de um modelo multi-objectivo para apoio à localização de condensadores para compensação do factor de potência tratado com meta heurísticas Tabu Search e com algoritmos genéticos, bem como do planeamento de sistemas electroprodutores usando um modelo multi-objectivo de programação inteira mista. Os algoritmos para previsão de curto prazo (horizonte temporal de uma hora) são de grande importância para tornar mais eficazes as acções de planeamento, operação e controlo dos sistemas de energia eléctrica. No contexto da progressiva liberalização do sector energético, foram desenvolvidas metodologias baseadas em redes neuronais para previsão de carga. Foram aplicadas técnicas matemáticas de reconstrução de processos ao processo estocástico subjacente, usando codificação e entropia (“block entropy”) para caracterizar a medida e a gama de memória. O conceito de tendência de consumo em dias homólogos das semanas anteriores foi também usado para desenvolver um modelo do tipo não sensível a aspectos climáticos. Na área do estudo das interacções energia-ambiente-economia foram desenvolvidos modelos de programação matemática multiobjectivo, baseados em análise input-output, tendo sido utilizadas packages de software desenvolvidas pela equipa de investigação (em particular, no que se refere a problemas de programação linear multiobjectivo). Dada a importância da área dos mercados de energia, foram desenvolvidas metodologias para análise dos processos de liberalização e comportamento dos mercados grossistas de electricidade, em particular no que se refere à dinâmica de preços.
